3 - The start of school

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Ayanakoji's POV: If I may, I'd like to pose an interesting question: "Are all human beings truly equal?" These days everywhere you go there's a talk about a fight for equality. As a wise man once said, "Heaven does not create one person above or below another." People like to throw these words around. That's not the whole quote. It goes on to say that "... while we are all equal at birth, pretty soon, things begin to change. The academic effort is what sets some people apart to rise above the others. At any rate, humans change over time based on their actions. Truth be told, at the end of the day, equality is just a fantasy. And most of us go through life denying the fact that we live in a meritocracy.

Oh, wait somebody's talking "excuse me, sir ...... would you be willing to give up your seat. This is priority seating after all. I think you should let this old lady sit there." the man arrogantly responds "My, my, pretty girl. While it may be a priority seat, there is no law requiring me to relinquish it. You want me to give up my seat just because I am young? [Chuckles] Nonsense, pure and simple. Even if I am young, standing consumes more stamina than sitting. Why should I do something so detrimental with no benefit to myself?" the girl tries to keep a calm demeanour and says "I think you'd be contributing to society. And this lady seems to be having trouble staying upright..." The man doesn't look impressed and logistically responds "I have no interest in contributing to society. Besides, What about those sitting in the other seats? The difference between priority seats and others seems rather trivial to me." The girl looks troubled as the old woman says "Really, I'm fine. But thank you." but the girl is not willing to give up yet and turns to the rest of the bus and asks "Excuse me! Would any of you be willing to give up your seat?" I turn and look at a girl sitting next to me wondering why she doesn't want to give up her seat either until a young woman says "Um, you can have mine." the girl responds cheerfully saying "Thank you so much!"

The school bus starts getting near the school. I wonder if the guy Saiki that talked to me in the entrance exam got in. He seemed to be quite intuitive. I think that he might be willing to be friends after-all he approached me even though I had sat in a secluded area of the school to try to avoid unnecessary attention. He even noticed that I was trying not to score 100% although he still doesn't know why. He might be quite interesting. Were here So this is my new school? Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. A school established by the Japanese government to nurture young people who will support the country in the future. It boasts a 100% employment and college entry rate, and with thorough, state-directed teaching methods, it spares no effort in pursuing the nation's desired future.

The girl I was looking at on the bus stopped me before I went inside and asked "Excuse me. You were looking at me on the bus. Why?" I didn't know how exactly to respond so I decided that the best way to respond would be, to tell the truth, and said "Oh. Sorry. It was because you, like me, didn't seem interested in giving up your seat. So you don't like to get involved in stuff like that either, huh?" The girl seemed annoyed like I had wronged her and responded "Don't assume I'm like you. I held on to my seat as a matter of conviction." I thought that was weird, but doesn't that make you even worse? The girl looked like she was satisfied and said: "If you have no business with me, fine." The girl left and started heading towards the main building for the entrance ceremony. I decided that it would be smart to do the same but waited for a little while as I didn't want to go in right after her. 

After the ceremony, everyone departed to go to their classes I say the girl from earlier going to the same class as me and was happy to see that Saiki was heading towards the same class as well. Once we were in class (1D) everyone was chatting leisurely as the teacher had not arrived yet and I decided since I was sat next to the girl from earlier and behind Saiki that I would try talking to Saiki. "hi Saiki was it nice to see that you got in how are you doing?" Saiki sat there for a moment before responding "Hi Ayanakoji right I'm ok how are you?" It seemed like he didn't have any conversational skills either so I figured that we were going to be friends out of the fact that nobody else would end up being our friends I responded saying "I'm good but I am a little sceptical of the school rules as the teacher seems to be late and they were not explained to us at the entrance ceremony or in the school information book, what do you think?" I was interested in hearing what Saiki had to say but didn't get to find out as someone shouted "Everyone, may I have a moment? I was hoping we could all introduce ourselves to get a jump on getting better acquainted. The teacher doesn't seem to be here yet, anyway. How about it?" 

The class seemed to jump at the idea so there was no escaping it. The boy then started telling the class "Thanks. Okay, I'll go first. I'm Hirata Yōsuke. Just call me Yōsuke. No need for formality. I play all kinds of sports, and I intend to join the soccer club at this school. Nice to meet you all!" My first thought was that this guy is going to get the class leader for sure. the class continued introducing themselves and I was starting to dread my turn. These introductions will determine everyone's standing in the class. Should I try for a joke? I bet I can get a big laugh if I'm really energetic. Or maybe I'd just creep everyone out. It's not like I have any hobbies or talents, anyway. I'm just a white bird, flying free. Now It's my turn "Uh... Um... I'm Ayanokōji Kiyotaka. Uh... I look forward to studying with you. Ah, um... I'm not good at anything in particular. Uh... I'll work hard to get along with everyone." That failed, Oh well at least I have Saiki. Now It's Saiki's turn what will he say? "Hi I'm Saiki Kusou and I'm from the other side of Japan and I like sweets and coffee Jelly." when Hirata tried to say ok next up is he was interrupted by someone putting their feet on a desk. The person who did this the proceeded to say "Introductions? Please. What are we, little kids? Do that if you want, but leave us out of it."

Before Hirata could respond the teacher came in and said "Everyone... Take your seats. I'm Chabashira Sae, and I'm the homeroom teacher for Class D. There will be no changing of classes in this school. I will be responsible for you for the next three years until you graduate. First, I'll hand out the school rule book. Take one and pass it back. We have special rules at this school. First, you will live in dorms and, while at school, your ability to leave campus and contact the outside world will be limited. But don't worry. The school offers a variety of facilities. Everything you need can be found here, including entertainment. To buy things, you'll use points stored in the school's official computer system. At this school, you can buy anything using points. Points are allotted on the first of each month. One point is worth one yen. You have already been allotted 100,000 points for this month. The class started to openly question the number of points that we were given until the teacher says "Are you surprised by the size of your allotment? This school judges students based on merit. You are attributed significant value just for being accepted here." The students all quiet down while I mental consider why they would give highschoolers like us so much money. I decide to let it go for now as we still have class and if I'm thinking about this I can't learn Properly.

A/N hi I hope that you're all enjoying this wattpad so far originally I was only planning to post once a week but I keep posting so I'll just be posting whenever it suit's me. If you want me to post longer episodes less then let me know and I'll try my best but I personally don't like it when wattpads have really long episodes as I want to read at least one episode at a time and sometimes there just isn't enough time to read a really long episode. Any way that you soooo much for reading I hope you will continue to enjoy my story and as always if you have any input please do say so.

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