8 - The explanation

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Saiki's POV: Yareyare how should I explain this? I guess I'll just get him to ask questions and I'll try to answer them. "How about this you ask what you want to know and I will do my best to answer?" Ayanakouji just sat there with his normal nonchalant expression returned he decided to first ask " who are you?" I responded with my normal "I'm Saiki Kusuo and I'm a psychic." his face didn't change he then continued "what are your abilities?" I looked worried and asked how many of them he wanted He said "all of them" I warned him it would take a while then started "I have: telepathy, telekinesis, psychokinesis, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, apport, astral projection, bilocation, clairvoyance, curse, electrification, flight, hydrokinesis, hypnosis, invisibility, mediumship, memory alteration, mind control, genetic manipulation, petrification, precognition, psychic hold, psychometry, restoration, size augmentation, song cancelling laser, super strength, teleportation, thoughtography, time travel, shapeshifting, X-ray vision and more."

 His face didn't change once when I said all this until he realised that I could hear his thoughts and he decided to try talking to me through them. 'How long have you had these powers?' I was slightly annoyed that he was using my abilities and told him to talk normally then I said "I've had them since birth but I get more all the time like the ability to create anything out of nothing." He then said thankfully "why don't you use these powers?" Yareyare I thought he would be smart enough to get that but I guess i'll have to explain. "My abilities are strong enough to destroy the world in my sleep, I wear limiter to limit my power and prevent that from happening plus if the government were to find out they would probably want to experiment on me to find out where these abilities came from." 

He looked shocked to hear that I could destroy the world in my sleep but he quickly recovered he asked another question and this one was a little chaotic to answer he asked "where did you actually come from?" Yareyare I have two options I could tell him that I came from another world or I could stick to the story I used when I introduced myself. The one where I was from the other side of the country and I think that might be easier but he also might see through it. I guess i'll just tell him I've already told him so much anyway so there would be little to no change in the risk of this predicament. "I'm not originally from this world but the one I'm from doesn't have magic either so I kept it secret there too, so far your the only person in this world who knows and I want to keep it that way. I could have just erased your memories but I am being nice since we are friends and am instead explaining everything so that we can cooperate." 

Ayanakoji looked like he expected that but he was slightly confused when I said that my world didn't have magic in it and that I was different even there. He said "I'll ask one more question why did you want to be my friend?" I was puzzled how should I answer this should I say the truth or should I just say that I found him interesting which is only part of the truth. Yareyare I guess I should just go all in. "I approached you because I heard your thoughts during the entrance exam and I was curios as to why you like me wanted to remain inconspicuous even though you could easily get 100%. What you did also gave me and idea of what I could score myself as I did know about the cutoff but didn't know how close I should make it. I decided to do the same as you leading to the predicament with Horikita's brother." 

Ayanakouji looked satisfied with that and said "thanks for telling me when I know you could have just erased my memory and kept it hidden you could also have lied, but since you told me can we go somewhere other than this school with your teleportation ability?" I looked at him, he was being completely honest, his thoughts agreed with him and he looked genuinely exited for the first time. I said "yes" I didn't want to disappoint him after all he had rarely been outside of the white room and he deserved some freedom. I asked him "where do you want to go we can go anywhere as long as you show me a picture of it." 

Ayanakouji was scrolling through the internet looking for a picture of Siam park he said that he had never been there before and that he had always wanted to go to a water park. Once he found a photo he told me we should go tomorrow and that I should grab my swimsuit as we are going on all the rides. He said goodnight and went to his room. I barely had a chance to look at the picture but when I did it looked amazing the park was full of rides and even had a wave pool it looked like it would be a lot of fun. As long as we didn't get caught I might want to do this again.

Sorry for the long wait and the short chapter but I wanted to have a break from writing and I will try to update a little more regularly from now on. hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you again soooooo much for reading this book it means a lot after all I'm not very confident in my writing skills but I love anime and want to do this story justice. If you have any suggestions please let me know as I am always looking for ways to improve my writing. thanks again and bye.

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