10 - exams / Horikita's questions

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Saiki's POV: Yareyare I'm glad that at least Ayanakouji had fun after all he has had a horrible childhood with no chance to move forward unless he wins leaving him to think of everyone as tools. Thankfully he and I share a common wish and that's to not be noticed. Him so that he can be free during high school and me so that I'm not discovered for having powers by the world. After all I'm not even from this world and if people were to find out my origins they would definitely want to do some tests on me. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it was the white room that would handle my testing. If I were found out that is but I don't plan to be found out. Yareyare Horikita will probably be curious as to what her brother was talking about. I guess I'll just have to deal with it. First I have to do the exams. Yareyare people might get even more wary of me if I stop getting 50% so i'll just keep it up I hope nobody notices.

The exams are really simple and everyone already has the answers but people are still getting it wrong I wonder why. Oh well it's not my problem I just have to score 50% to stay the same as normal I guess I should check what Ayanakouji is doing. 'I guess I'll get the first half right and get the second half wrong that way it looks like I rushed towards the end and lost concentration.' Yareyare he always knows an easy way to fly under the radar but he also made it easy for me to stay hidden this time as well after all it will look like I started to concentrate more towards the end if I do the opposite of him again. Well he set it up so nicely so I will do it and thank him after class. I wonder how Horikita's doing. 'I'll get this one wrong after all if the passing rate is too high then some of the less capable student's might fail and we don't know what consequences that might have on the class' Wow she's actually accommodating for the students that are not so heavily focused on academics I guess she really is smart my brother might even thing of her as more than a monkey. Which is saying something after all he even thinks his parents are basically monkeys and finds me as his only challenge. Yareyare why am I thinking about him I guess I should get back to doing the tests.

After the tests Horikita managed to corner both me and Ayanakouji and I couldn't escape without letting her find out about my powers. Yareyare this could get complicated after all I did save her from her brother and disappear without a trace. I guess I'll just have to tell Ayanakouji what to say with telepathy. I know that he is really smart and would be able to handle himself but how could he explain how we scored the same but did the opposite. Suddenly Ayanakouji spoke he said "Horikita what do you want, Is it to do with me and Kusuo's scores on the exams?" He treated this like he expected it which he probably did but how does he plan to explain this. For once his thoughts are silent he is likely to just answer and I don't know what to think. Horikita bursts out "Yes How did you manage to do that on a test where the answers aren't even made before the students have already answered?" I was shocked I didn't think the the tests were made without answers and that the teachers had to mark them without an answer sheet. No wonder our scores were so puzzling to the student council and Horikita. 

I decided to but in I said "It was pure chance while it may not be probable it is still very possible and it had to happen at some point. Think about it this way you yourself have already said that it's impossible." Horikita was stunned she didn't expect me to give such a clear and well thought out answer but she still obviously didn't believe it. Yareyare what can I do to convince her. Her thoughts say that no matter what Ayanakouji or I say she will not believe us. 

Ayanakouji's POV: Wow Saiki did great but Horikita still doesn't believe us I guess I'll have to do something. "Horikita you do know that we don't have to try to convince you and since you obviously won't believe us no matter what we say we'll just take our leave" She looks desperate I wonder why she wants to know so badly I guess I won't be getting any answers as she doesn't trust us. Oh well it's not like it will kill me to ask Saiki later so I grab his hand and we walk away. Horikita calls out "wait why wont you tell me?" I look back at her and say "tell you what we told you everything we knew so what's the big deal." She doesn't have an answer and we just walk away.

Once we're back in Saiki's room I ask "what was she thinking?" Saiki looks hesitant but eventually caves and says "she was thinking that it was impossible to get those scores by chance and that unless we told her exactly how it happened she would not believe us. She also thought that we wouldn't move up any classes unless we shared the information with the rest of the class." I was stunned she really was quite smart but I didn't think that she would be this much of  a threat. I guess I was wrong oh well I will just have to deal with it otherwise things could get out of hand and Saiki might have to use his powers. Which I'm sure he would rather avoid with how cautious our teachers are. They might have already found out who I am but I doubt they have found out about Saiki and we don't want them to. If they know who I am it won't pose too much of a threat but for Saiki they may want to research him. I guess we'll just have to take extra precautions.

Hi guys I hope that you are enjoying this book so far. If you have any Ideas feel free to tell me and I will just say that I have nothing against other people using my idea for a story If anything it would be something more for me to read. Again thank you so much I am very grateful for how many reads I have gotten and I would love it if you would vote to. I hope you are safe and happy bye.

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