2 - The entrance exam

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Saiki's POV: I woke up and then remembered what was going on, yareyare I was in a different world and today was my only chance to get into a high school so that I wouldn't stand out. Now, what should I do to get down from here without anyone seeing me? In theory, I could teleport but in doing so I wouldn't be able to get breakfast on the way to the exam and I want a coffee jelly. I guess I'll have to go invisible till I get down.

Now that I'm on the ground I'll find an alley and become visible again. There's one over there. Once I am visible again I make my way to the nearest coffee shop. I happen to have woken up with 30,000 yen in my pocket so I will have more than enough to buy some coffee jelly. after ordering I think I'm seeing things as I see a 15-year-old girl in a maid outfit coming around and serving people. Is this even legal? when she comes to serve me she trips p and spills my coffee and coffee jelly on the ground thankfully I caught the coffee jelly. she said she was sorry and that she would come back with a new one in a minute. I quickly ate the coffee jelly I had rescued and waited for her return. When she came back she had two coffee jellies and a cup of coffee she said that the extra coffee jelly was on the house and that it was an apology for the extra time she took. I gratefully enjoyed my coffee and coffee jellies then headed on my way to the school for the entrance exam.

Yareyare once I was there I realised that I was on the wrong side of the school campus and that I was running late so if I wanted to get there on time I would have to teleport. I found the nearest bathroom and decided to teleport from there to arouse less suspicion. Once I finally found the place I found out that there would be three stages to the exam: one was written, one was a fitness test and the other was an interview with a member of staff. This would take up the full day and we were not to leave the campus until it was over. yareyare that's complicated for a high school entrance exam.

The first part of the exam was the written exam, I wasn't sure how high a score I should get to be average and still be accepted. I decided to listen to the teacher's thoughts to see how high I had to score to pass. 'there are a lot of students taking the exam this year I wonder how many of them will get fifty% or more and pass' so I only need fifty% to pass and they don't expect everyone to be able to do that. Wait a second I hear some weird thoughts over there. 'so the answer to this one's 39.76 well I guess I'll put 32.95 after all I want to score exactly 50% to just pass and no more.' That's weird this student already knows the passing rate and instead of going for the top score he is going for the lowest possible passing rate. Maybe I'll just do what he's doing as I have no idea what the people in the other test sites are scoring. Though I still wonder why he is doesn't want to get 100%. Oh well, I'll deal with that when we get into the school. after finishing that part of the exam I saw him go to the same testing site that I was about to head to so I might be able to talk to him afterwards.

The next test was the fitness test and all we had to do was a general fitness test so I might be able to play it off as if I was a normal human. I decided to listen to that guy's thoughts again ' I shouldn't be too strong as I want to look average and not stand out.' this guy's thoughts are so similar to mine I guess I'll just do what he does. First the grip strength the guy was going to go for grip strength of 43kg so I guess I'll go for grip strength of 42kg, perfect now nobody will notice me. the next test is a ball throw. What is that guy planning to get 'I think I'll aim for around 43m as I don't want to look too weak.' well that sounds smart I'll try to get 44m that way I'll balance out the difference between us, oops ball throw is the worst as I am not so good at adjusting my strength 54m is a bit too far hopefully nobody will think it's too weird. The next is sidesteps this is the best for me as I can just match the pace of the person in front of me but what is is that guy going for 'I guess I'll go for around 48 side jumps.' well then I guess I'll go for around 40 to balance out the scores. Yes perfect now there should be no worries about me being average. Now that that test is over I can finally relax the only other test is the interview and that should be quite easy as I can just read the interviewers mind and say what they want to hear or what they expect me to say.

They told us to take a break and have lunch I decided that I wanted to talk to that boy after all his thoughts were really helpful. He was sat in a corner and there was no one else around so I just went up to him. "hi I'm Saiki and I was wondering if we could be friends." he just sat there but almost unsure of what to do and eventually he spoke. " hi I'm Ayanakoji and I guess we can be friends but it might be awkward if we don't get into the school." "don't worry about that I'm  sure that we both will, after all, you didn't look like you were trying that hard so the test must have been quite easy for you." "did it really look like that oh well don't get the wrong impression I was trying just as hard as anyone else." Your thoughts said otherwise what do they say now 'has he really noticed I thought I was inconspicuous how did he even notice me under this tree' oops was he really trying not to be noticed he might start suspecting me now. "oh ok well let's both get in I'll see you when the school term starts." That was awkward what if he finds out oh well he probably won't think about it anymore and the next part of the exam is about to start so I guess I should get over there.

The interview was short and sweet they only asked me why I wanted to get into the school and how my parents would feel with me boarding here. To which I answered that I wanted to come here for the success rate and the prestige and that my parents would be completely fine with me staying here to board. They sent me on my way and I decided to find myself a part-time job until school started as I needed to earn some money to pay for food. thankfully there was a cafe that needed new staff members and they served plenty of coffee style treats that I could make for the customers. I got the job and decided to head up to the clouds to sleep.

AN Thank you guys so much for 17 views this means a lot to me and it encouraged me to post a little earlier than I had planned to. Please feel free to give me some tips if any of you have made your own story on any platform. Again thank you soooooo much this means a lot to me and don't forget to vote if you liked the story.

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