5 - The class is poor

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Ayanakoji's POV: It has been a month since school started and our points should be updating today. I'm on my way to class with Saiki and he seems to think that our classes points won't be updating even still he doesn't seem to care as we haven't used many points at all. In fact, we had survived on basically no points, out of the 100,000 points we were given we had only used 250 points each opting to go for the free meals where possible and never buying something we didn't need that left us with 99,750 points. I didn't know why we had tried so hard not to use any points but I'm sure that Saiki had a reason.

Once we reached our classroom we went to our seats and prepared for our lesson to start. I started to worry about the other students, most students decided to make the most of their school lives, without thinking too deeply about anything. Day after day, they blew through their monthly allowance of 100,000 like it was nothing. The teacher was very lenient, so in-class conversations, napping, tardiness, and absences became a daily occurrence. Extravagance, debauchery, and indolence were rampant. Unlike them, Saiki and I had shown up to every class and had always done our best to pay attention. We didn't let their nonsense distract us from our learning but I'm starting to wonder if that made any difference maybe we should have stopped them but then again we are all humans and there is no reason to help them after all what benefit will it have for me.

As students entered the class a common discussion broke out with everyone wondering why they didn't get any points. Some were wondering if there had been a mistake and others were wondering if our class had been overlooked thankfully that ended when the teacher walked into the room. She shocked the class by acting as if nothing had happened saying "Take your seats. Morning homeroom will now begin." Someone shouted out saying "Hey, teacher, we didn't get our points! We're supposed to get them on the first day of the month, right?" The teacher showed no look of concern. She went ahead and said, "No, this month's points have already been allotted." The class was confused and the teacher continued saying "The points have been allotted. I can say that for certain. There is no chance that this class has been overlooked, either." another one of the students stood up and said, "But we didn't get any points." 

The teacher looked like a lion about to pounce like she had been waiting for this moment for the entire month and responded saying "What a bunch of idiots you are. A combined total of 98 tardies and absences. 391 instances of talking and cell phone usages in class. Quite a month's work. At this school, your grades and performance evaluations are reflected in the monthly points you're given. My assessment of you has resulted in the loss of all 100,000 points you were to be given. The points you're receiving for this month... are zero." The class was bewildered, people started yelling in outrage saying "You mean I have to live on no money this month?" and "Wh-What the heck? No one told us that..." The teacher was unfazed and said, "Did you really think that mere high school students were going to be given 100,000 yen a month to spend without a single catch?" I looked at Saiki, he nodded the teacher was ready to tell us why we hadn't been spending much money all month. "That's absurd. Use your common sense. If you had doubts, why did you do nothing about them? I told you on the first day, didn't I? This school judges students based on merit. Which means you're all worth nothing. You're garbage."

Saiki and I looked at the class with contempt we knew this was coming and we knew that we had no fault in it. The class was devastated and worried that they wouldn't have enough money to survive the month both Saiki and I knew that if they were careful they would but that they would have to try hard. We, on the other hand, had nothing to worry about as we had barely spent anything. In fact we had more money that the rest of the class combined. although I'm not sure about Horikita she seems to be fine as she is smirking just like Saiki and I. 

Ok I'm sorry that this is not that long but I have been really busy lately and I hope that you have enjoyed it. I'm considering making another series with Saiki in SAO if you think this is a good idea please comment or if you have another idea that you think would be better I will let you know what happens. Thank you for reading bye.

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