𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1

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jean kirstein, the highschool bad boy. he was the type of kid that would get in trouble just for attention, or for the ladies. in highschool, he always walked around with the same worn out blue jacket with a baggy white shirt and a golden cross necklace, and thick silver rings that held securely on his slender fingers.

when he was alone doing absolutely nothing thinking no one was watching him, you were. not any yandere stuff or anything, you loved jean, everything about him. his slicked back hair the didn't even move on the most windy ness days, probably took a whole bottle of gel to slick it back, but you didn't care.

all of his flaws, everything he did you wrong, you didn't care. even when he bullied people and did mischievous things for attention, you didn't care. because you loved jean.

you were the shy and quiet type of person. you usually wear skirts, hoodies, crop tops, and sometimes jeans. your outfit was always a short white skirt that hung gracefully on your waist with a baggy light pink hoodie that kept you warm all the time, socks that almost went up to your thighs and mary janes.

you had a shy and kind personality. you rarely ever get in trouble. due to your shy personality, you never got to confess to jean. the only words that were spoken between you is if you had a pencil, which you would kindly give him every time. but he would never return it, but you didn't care.

it was almost like you were in a fantasy world that only involved you and jean. you followed him around, almost like a stalker, everyday. but you could never build up the courage to talk to him. especially since he's the other main singer of his band. he was mostly busy in the gym practicing. so you never had a chance to talk to him.

but that's when you met a boy named marco bodt. you had dropped your books that you held loosely in your arms when he happened to be around.

"sorry I-I didn't mean to.."
"no, no. it's alright. just be more careful next time ok?"

you guys instantly hit it off. from then on, marco was always there for you. when you were sad even though you never expressed it, he could tell. he always comforted you and never judged you.

that's how he made you build up the courage to speak to jean and confess your feelings. he knew about your feelings for jean, since he has seen you follow him around the school sometimes.

"go, y/n, go!" marco cheered as you slightly blushed from the attention. "I hope it goes well.." you said. his expression softened and pulled you in for a hug as reassurance. "I know it will! now go out there!" he pulled out of the hug with a bright smile and pushed you off.

you nervously began walking in the direction that you saw jean previously walk. nervousness clouded your thoughts as you turned the corner. your legs kept shaking as you walked with your hand in the sleeves of your hoodie.

you saw a glance of jean's jacket, that looked like he was slightly bent over. as you got more into view you paused, eyes widened.

jean and mikasa were kissing right in front of you.

there's no way. there's no way. there's no way. there's no way. there's no way. there's no way.
multiple thoughts ran through your head as you just stood there.

your thoughts were quickly interrupted when you saw them pull back. you took this as your chance to run.

you ran back to marco who was seated at the wooden table that was under a cherry blossom tree. he heard foot steps and instantly shot his head up in glee with a big smile on his face. but quickly faded when he saw your expression.

"y/n? what's wrong tell me." marco stated has he put your head in his chest. you started sobbing like it was your last day on earth. your sobs kept going on and on for 10 minutes as you tried to say stuff between them. "j..j-jean w-was..k-kissing *hiccup* mikasa.." even though he could barley hear your words he still understood. "it's alright it's alright.

as you pulled away from his chest you could see that his sweater was stained with your salty tears. "m-marco.. your sweater." he looked down at his sweater and smiled. "it's fine, I have plenty other ones."

for the rest of the day marco comforted you and even bought you your favorite ice cream, which you were so thankful for.

thank you marco, for this amazing day.

(𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞)

you had just gotten out of your last class of the day. tiredness consumed you as you walked out of campus and on to the path of your apartment that you usually take.

you yawned and put your laptop and books into your school bag while you were walking.

about being five minutes near your apartment you hear yelling and what seems to be someone getting beat up.

you ran down an alleyway to see 3 dudes beating up someone with ash brown hair. is that..jean?! the dudes finally noticed you standing there and smirked. "hm? what's a little cutie like you doin' here?" the one guy said as he stepped closer to you. "let him go!" you slightly shouted at him. he laughed and and looked at jean. "you want us to let go of this punk? no way."

you furrowed your brows in frustration as you stepped closer to him. "if you don't let him go t-then I'll call the p-police." your voice trembled.

the other to guys stopped focusing their attention on jean and now it was on you. the all laughed, every one of them.

you were beyond frustrated. the one tugged on your hair and said, "go ahead, call the cops. once the see a girl like you in a short skirt they'll forget what you even called for." you yelped from the pain.

"let go of her!" you heard jean yell in the back. as the guy let go of your hair. as he stood up he immediately stopped when he heard police sirens. the guys panicked and ran for it as you both stood there.

you guys stood there in awkward silence as the blaring sound of the police sirens slowly faded away.

"so um.. my apartment's right down the street. I-I can clean you up." you stuttered as jean walked towards you. "sure.." he coughed and started following you towards your apartment.

(ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀs ɴᴏᴛᴇ)
well here it is everyone!! I was so happy to get this out for you all bc I've been scratching my non existent balls since the end of November to write this shit sooo yeah!

I hope you enjoyed!

here darling, have a boba. 🤚🧋

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