𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 9

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"well um...I'm here right now."

jean jumped up in surprise and rushed out of his room. "hello?-" you asked but got cut off by jean opening the door. "h-hey y/n." he stuttered , taking in your appearance.

you were in pajamas, just like he was, nothing special. but he still couldn't take how beautiful you were, it was like he was in a dream. "I-I'm sorry for coming here unnoticed. I just thought you would really want this back and I kept overthinking it so." you sheepishly handed up the chapstick.


you were laying in your bed, turning, flipping around as you tried to be comfortable and fall asleep. but it was hard, all you could think about is him.

jean has been in your mind since earlier, you were still super embarrassed about flashing him but just couldn't stop thinking about him.

did he like what he saw? does he think you're disgusting? perhaps a crackhead? no no, that's too extreme. maybe he thought you were beautiful and that you had a..fat butt? these thoughts ran through your brain as you got up.

"I need to find an excuse.." you mumbled to yourself as you saw the chapstick that he left. bingo! you thought as you put on a hoodie and put the chapstick in your pocket.

it was a pathetic excuse to see him but, when you love someone, you'll do anything for them.

present timeeee

how thoughtful of her.. he thought.

"thank you, come in." jean moved to the side for you to have more access. "sure." you smiled and walked in. it was 12:30 am, you coming here honestly surprised him a lot, especially this late.

you both walked into his room. you looked around to see how neat it was, a few books and papers but overall very clean. you would expect a boys room to be messy, jean was different.

although you did see some type of liquid on his sheets...oh. you blushed heavily but quickly looked away since you didn't want him to know you saw it.

you played with the shiny silver rings on your fingers as you sat down on the bed. jean eventually joined you and smirked. "was this just an excuse to see me?"

you could barely even talk, it felt like you just had been caught. "maybe.." you somehow managed to not stutter. his smirk turned into a smile. "a-and I also wanted to say sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to flash you." your eyes darted in every direction but jean.

"it's okay y/n, I know you didn't do it on purpose." he took your hand and kissed it softly. your heart throbbed as you finally turned to look at him. his amber eyes locked with yours, something in his eyes seemed..off.

you've never had anyone look at you like that. could it be hate? disgust? scariness? or maybe love? you had no idea.

you nervously smiled, playing with his lanky fingers. jean smiled as you played with the rings on him. he got an idea and smirked, pulling you onto his lap so suddenly. you squeaked in surprise and looked down at him.

"you look beautiful on my lap, I should do this more often." his hands found your hips. you were still stunned by the situation, you in your forever crush's lap with his hand holding your hips, it was like a dream.

although his eyes were no longer on yours, more like focusing on another part of your body. jean noticed you looking at him confused, looking up at you. "sorry."

embarrassed, you started looking around as you saw his ps5 with two controllers. "you wanna play?" he asked happily. "sure." you smiled and slowly got off his lap. sadly you got off his lap, you could've stayed there forever.

he turned it on as well as the tv, sitting on the bed next to you. "you play often?" jean questioned. "somewhat, I have a ps5 at home." he nodded and muttered a nice before clicking on the game "Fall Guys".

you looked at jean from your left, the moon reflected off of his sharp jawline, making you just want to kiss it. his hair was messy but he somehow managed to pull it off. every time you glanced or looked at jean you couldn't help but always blush, even if he didn't see like in the halls you would still blush. it was like a disease, but you loved it.

"ready?" he snapped you out of your thoughts. "y-yeah." you nodded quickly.

jean smiled and scooted closer to you. you guys played for hours, laughing, screaming, dying, having random flirty moments, etc.

eventually you were tired, "I'm tired, I should get going." you stated and got up. "oh hell no, it's 3 am, I'm not letting you go out there." jean stopped you by grabbing your firmly wrist, also standing up.

"b-but I don't want to disturb you."
"you could never disturb me y/n, you're welcome to stay for the night." he pulled you closer by your wrist and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"are you sure?"
"of course."

it was a little hot so you took off your hoodie, remembering you only had a bra on under it you gasped and put it back on. "is something wrong?" jean who was distracted making his bed turned to look at you. "e-everything's fine." you glanced at him.

he turned back to making his bed. "u-um do you have a shirt I could borrow?" you turned to him. "oh yeah of course." he finished making his bed and went over to his closet, pulling out a old band tee. "this should be good right? I know it's a little baggy." you put it on and smiled. "it's perfect, thank you jean." your smile made jean want to melt, "y-yeah." he stuttered.

you got into his bed, purring at how comfortable it was. he slowly got into the bed as well, making sure not to bother you. "you're bed is really comfortable, usually dorm beds are terrible." you turned around to look at him. "sure, I brought my own mattress from home so." he smiled.

you realized you didn't have your stuffed animal you usually cuddle with at night. a little sad you tapped jean's chest. "yes dear?" he asked. you didn't say anything, instead you hugged him, your head laying in his chest.

you both were mentally screaming, but overall it was very comfortable. his arms wrapped around you as well, forming you guys into a burrito.

that night you had the best sleep of your goddamn life, so much so that you would definitely do it again.

(ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀs ɴᴏᴛᴇ)
I'm trying okay?😞😿

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