Settling in

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Routine is at the heart of everything the army does from an attack on a enemy base to something as simple as breakfast everything is done by the book and followed to the letter. None the less George had never quite gotten used to it doing the same thing all day everyday just didn't feel natural to him.

George grabbed a plate as he would do every morning for the next three months and joined the queue, after a while he made it up to the food. The cooks named foods and he responded mainly with "yes" and a few "no's." He then went to pour himself a glass of coffee, which he would need if he were to make it though the day. George then turned his attention towards where he was going to sit, he had no problem with strangers but he didn't want to end up stuck with the officers. In the end he decided to sit with a group who aged around mid twenties or early thirties the same age as George himself.

As soon as he sat down the man sitting opposite him who was aged around twenty-five and had a disgusting amount of dirt under his fingernails started a conversation. "You new here." He asked casually.

"Yeah I was sent back yesterday on Friday I was in Chad." Replied George.

"Chad? Man that shits crazy!" Said the thirty something bulky man besides him. His English accent was clearly present.

"What scared of a little action Queen Victoria." George teased. The man smiled and his friends past looks around at each other. The man sitting next to George swallowed whatever it was that he was eating before replying.

"Yeah that's funny but I'll tell you what when your yankee girls hear this they fucking throw themselves at me." Everyone at the table laughed at that as they past looks and secret comments.

"They throw themselves at you? That's hard to believe!" George replied smiling like a fool as he did.

"Its true" He said then paused for a bit, "Ask your mother." Everyone erupted with laughter at that comment.

"Alright lets leave it there I don't want to see you to brawling on the table." Said the blond guy sitting opposite to George.

"Yeah alright." Agreed the English guy as he went back to eating his breakfast.

George did the same he made a note in his mind he could keep hanging out with these guys they seemed cool as long as he didn't keeping going after the English dude everything would be fine. George hurried up and ate his breakfast, as he was conscious that he had to go to the live firing range in less then fifteen minutes.

After he was done with Breakfast he headed up to the firing range, which was located on the top of a hill, which made marching up it a pain in the arse. After about ten minutes of marching with the rest of his troop he made it to the range.

Everyone in his troop was experienced enough not to need a briefing before firing they simply split into groups and took it in turns to fire. George choose to join the second group because it had the guy he had sat opposite to at breakfast. They talked for about half an hour before finally it was there turn to fire.

George picked up his rifle and performed the necessary safety checks to ensure the rifle was free from ammunition. He then got into the prone position lying flat with his right leg bent outwards and awaited further orders. He was told to load so he checked that safety was on before placing the clip into the rifle. Once everyone had done the same the instructor shouted out "ready!" When he did everyone grabbed the bolts on the m16s, pulled it back and let go. Finally the instructor called out the final instruction. "In your own time carry on." On hearing this George turned off his safety and aimed down the grey range, he focused his weapon on the cardboard man at the end of the range. He adjusted his aim so it was focused on a white circle in the middle of the man's chest. He held the gun tight, as he knew that M16s have a lot of kickback.

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