Back to the rubble

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"Ashanti is in the ghanaian presidential palace." George said pressing down his earpiece.

"Are you sure?" general Adams asked from the other end. George listened to Romeo sobbing from inside the Interrogation room.

"I'm certain sir."

"Good head back to America we have much to discuss." With that the conversation ended George and the others piled into the aircraft and flew off. Is this it? George thought to himself it didn't feel right it felt uncompleted. Somehow despite everything that happened George wanted to see it through to find Ashanti and end him himself. Though he had never met him he hated him just hearing about everything that had happened under his leadership was enough to make him hate him.

What shamed George was the fact that in his mind his lust for revenge was secretly outweighing his desire to see Sarah again. Perhaps that meant he needed her more than ever to keep him in check and restore his faith in humanity. He doubted it would be enough to fill the fire inside of him he was impassioned to complete his mission. He no longer knew why but it was the most important thing in the world to him he had to finish what he had started.

Max clearly felt differently he was talking loudly to the others and laughing saying how much he missed home. George wished he could relate to him but he couldn't not anymore everything he had seen had changed him. Even in his own head George couldn't get his motivation clear he only knew how to purge his mind of it. Killing Ashanti Sall felt like the only option the only way George could even comprehend walking away.

He was terrified that it wouldn't be enough that Ashanti's death would leave him as empty as he already was. George wasn't thinking straight but he was able to form a plan a very simple plan first kill Ashanti Sall and then go running to Sarah to be put back together. He wouldn't know what to do if he was denied that first step.

He shut it out of his mind he wouldn't let him think about it he would just try and find peace at least until he reached America. He had to remind himself America was not what it was before America was in ruins he had seen Boston as a ghost town and a small diner destroyed by the war. The damage he knew would be long lasting decades of progress destroyed in a matter of days. America's past had finally caught up with it. For years George had been trying to prevent threats to America before they happened and then suddenly all of its enemies came out of the shadows at once. Maybe that was what caused his rage years of work gone in a cloud of dust.

It was still his home and he still felt a duty to protect it for whatever it's worth whatever kind of horror he experienced George still felt love for his wife and for him country. George closed his eyes and went to sleep he slept deep and dreamlessly.

When George finally woke up the plane had already landed the group were all getting out not saying a word to each other. George was filled with energy from the moment he woke up he looked around and saw that once again they were in the middle of a field. George guessed it was too dangerous to try and land in an airport or anywhere else that public.

Once again the GPS was sending them to a location about a mile away the group walked in silence gathering their thoughts. It looked like most of them thought it was over they walked with there heads up a look George had seen a million times from troops coming back from combat. George felt alone in that no one else thought the job wasn't done and that it wasn't right not to see things through.

The grouped walked a long way though the countryside and lead to a small cottage in the middle of nowhere just like the one George entered just after the ETS had been shot down. Max walked up and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later General Adams appeared and opened up the door.

"There are six of you what happened?" General Adams asked jumping straight into things

"I'm sorry." He didn't seem to have anything else to say. General Adams stood aside and allowed the group to walk into the house. The cottage was very plane on the inside all the walls were white with the odd painting hanging up. All the furniture was made of wood, which was also white.

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