The face of evil

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Max walked into the airport six white Americans stood out like a sore thumb some people were looking at them strangely. Max walked up to the counter there was a middle-aged man standing at the other end. The man looked at them and started talking calmly George didn't understand what he was saying. He repeated it loudly he seemed to be getting angry "English umm I speak English." Max said awkwardly no one understood.

The man started shouting some security guards walked over they started speaking in the same language. George stood back he had no idea what to do or say he was completely cornered he wanted to run back to the private jet. One of the people in the airport walked over to them George hoped he wasn't about to become the fourth person to start shouting at him.

The man turned to the guards and started talking in their same language the guards calmed down and started speaking calmly to the man. "They said why are you entering the country?" The man said.

"Were going for work as servants for Ashanti Sall." Max responded calmly. The man translated what they said to the men out the counter. The men spoke again they seemed to have calmed down they talked slowly and quietly.

"Can we see you passports?" Max collected the passports off of all of them and handed them over. The man said something loudly. The man waited a few moments and then translated it.

"He wants to know why you're coming here from America."

"Just because we were from America it doesn't mean we cannot admire Ashanti's work." The words sounded strange coming from the mouth of Max.

"How long are you staying." Max didn't say anything he clearly hadn't thought about it yet.

"A week." Said George interrupting it seemed sensible and it was the first thing that came into his head. Max turned to George as if to ask him why he had just said a week.

"Are you carrying any live ammunition or pyrotechnics on you?"

"No" Said max

"Any food stuffs?'


"You're free to enter." Max nodded and they walked off George breathed a sigh of relief he knew there would be many obstacles to overcome to complete their mission he hadn't anticipated that entering the country would be one of them.

George walked through security everyone passed through without being searched even if they did they had nothing to hide. He put his suitcase on the conveyor belt leading into the x ray machine he didn't know what was in the bag but he had nothing to hide. He waited until his bag arrived at the other end then picked it up. Then just like that he was in he'd arrived at the lions den all that remained was to meet their leader.

The group walked out of the airport with no interruption they waited by the road until Max hailed them a cab. The cab driver didn't speak English but Max was able to show the driver where to go on a map. He seemed a little surprised suspicious even that he was taking them to the presidential palace but he didn't make a comment he just drove. George didn't say a word throughout the whole journey and neither did any of the others they couldn't risk arousing any attention whatsoever.

The taxi stopped just outside the front gates there were four armed soldiers standing in pairs outside the gates they kept their eyes on the group. George guessed they weren't use to having many visitors they seemed very wary of them. The entrance told George the security was good the gate was twelve feet high and was made of reinforced steel. The men had the most up to date military tech and there was only one way in or out through the gate which was opened by men in bullet proof booths just inside the gate.

George would have to keep it in mind that the hardest part wasn't killing Ashanti the hardest part would be getting out alive afterwards. George gathered up the identification papers, which he found in the suitcase he would need them to get in. George walked up to the booth, which controlled the gate. There was a small slit in the booth to drop papers to the man on the inside it was small enough that and hand with a weapon couldn't pass through it. "Were the new servants Ashanti ordered." George explained.

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