bonds of friendship?

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George walked to back to the barracks to tell the group the good news it finally looked like they were getting somewhere. Max and George didn't say a word to each other they just walked on in silence. It wasn't awkward it wasn't friendly it was merely a mutual understanding that they both needed some space to gather their thoughts. George's thoughts were simple he was feeling peaceful for the first time since the war began. He had taken a step towards finding Ashanti Sall protecting his country and seeing Sarah again.

Now he wanted nothing more than to sleep to empty his mind and find temporary peace. The information had strengthened George's resolve but his body was weak with exhaustion. George looked up at the sky the first few stars were starting to emerge. It reminded George of the time when Sarah became obsessed with astronomy. Every night she was up in the attic gazing into the night with her cheap store bought telescope. George never stopped teasing her about it she took it all in good humor.

He really admired her enthusiasm she was able to look at all sorts of things and see them as an opportunity to do something. She acted as a counterbalance to the army, which showed him the worst humanity had to offer, and times turned him bitter. He needed her he didn't know if she needed him she was always able to overcome any obstacles that came her way and never once did the obstacles change her.

This was another reason George needed sleep so that he could see Sarah again in his dreams. George knew she would be there to put him back together when he needed her.

George and Max arrived back at the barracks the men seemed even more on edge then they had before. Max went in first the men including George all recognized him as the leader.

"The Intel's good we'll sleep here tonight tomorrow morning we head back to Washington to debrief. After that our guy's catching a flight to Israel we have to stop him before he does. If we don't stop him there are about ten different countries he could slip into."

Unexpectedly the men started clapping it confused George at first but he soon realized that they were applauding him for getting the Intel. George felt what he didn't certainly did not deserve applause but he faked a smile anyway.

"I think this calls for a celebration." Said the young man over-enthusiastically. To this Max grinned before saying.

"Well the jobs not quite done but I do have a six pack of beer in the plane."

"You got the kitchen sink in there too?" George said he was amazed at the amount of stuff they had put in there.

The joke wasn't funny the group faked a few laughs to be polite George wished they hadn't they weren't the best actors. After that Max left to go get the beer he gestured for George to come with him. George was worried that he was in trouble for something.

"What did you want me for?" George asked once they were a fair distance from the barracks.

"Where did you leave the general its probably best not to leave him freeze overnight." Max explained George was relieved he wasn't in trouble but explaining where he was would be difficult.

"Oh right he's in the range." George said he thought if he said it casually Max would accept it.

"You go get him I'll wait here" Max said George guessed he knew he had done something nasty to him and he wouldn't want him to see.

George walked into the barracks the general was still standing at the back of the range. George walked up to him he was visibly shaken he didn't feel sorry for him in the slightest. He grabbed him and dragged him out of the range he pulled him along until he met with Max.

Max didn't say a word he simply grabbed the generals other arm with the hand he had free he had the six pack in the other hand. The two of them brought the general back into the barracks. They sat him down on the rotting stool and Max handcuffed him to chair.

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