Final offensive

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George watched the missiles project themselves closer and closer towards the earth he couldn't believe it. Somehow he felt like it was fake it couldn't possibly be real, but it was real and George saw no way to stop the warheads from reaching there target. Ashanti was looking at the missiles smiling and dancing around in joy.

George turned his attention to Ashanti he looked at Sid's corpse he saw a way he could get to Sid. He pulled the machete out of Sid. It was like turning on a tap blood poured out muscle and bone too George picked up his body trying not to look. He threw the body away from him pushing himself towards Ashanti he had his machete in his hand.

He'd been dreaming about killing Ashanti ever since the mission began and now when he finally had the chance. It wasn't having any of the satisfaction he imagined Ashanti looked at George covered in blood and with a machete in his hand.

Suddenly Ashanti wasn't smiling any more George plunged the blade deep into Ashanti's stomach blood came pouring out. He continued to work on him slashing around at his neck torso and face he thought about Sarah he thought about Max. With every strike he made Ashanti pay for his crimes but no amount of suffering could ever repay the debt that was owed.

George invested everything into tearing Ashanti apart he had made a promise he would make him suffer and he intended to keep it. He slashed and stabbed at every part of Ashanti's body not stopping until he had mutilated his corpse beyond recognition.

The mission was complete Ashanti was dead but it no longer mattered there was so much more at state hundreds of millions of innocent lives. George looked out the window he had no idea how to stop them. He didn't know how to stop them but he knew one man who might he pressed down hard on his earpiece to talk to general Adams.

He didn't pick up straight away George stamped his foot against the ground impatiently any moment wasted could spell death for an entire nation. "Adam they've launched the weapons what do I do?" George shouted down the earpiece.

"Are you certain?" General Adams said his voice was filled with fear he fully understood the gravity of what George was saying.

"Yes I'm certain how can I stop the nuclear missiles from killing everyone in the country!" George said to afraid to shout though he sure as hell wanted to.

"George." General Adams began a strong sense of gravity in his voice "they can't be stopped once the weapons are launched nothing can stop them from reaching there target."

George was sweating all over his hands were shaking a strong sense of dread overcame him but he remained hopeful. Their had to be a way to stop the missiles because if there wasn't George couldn't even begin to imagine what was about to happen. "Just tell me everything. Anything at all about the satellite and the missiles just give it too me.

"Umm okay." general Adams replied his voice was shaky he seemed to have given into the idea that the weapons were unstoppable that it was fate. "It's a standard nuclear deterrent from 2021 installed with uranium charged hydrogen bombs. They operate by a very advanced GPS system its still used today it targets the area with the most energy and detonate. That way it causes the most destruction to civilian areas. The only area the missiles won't hit are the safe zones which is probably the whole world except for America."

Suddenly it struck George how he could stop the missiles he would have to create more energy than that in American cities. general Adams was still rambling on about the satellite probably still pining all his hopes on George finding a floor.

"What if I created more energy than the missiles?" George asked general Adams the question took him off guard he stopped talking and took a few seconds to answer.

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