Behind enemy lines

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George and the team who were sent with him were kneeling in a circle in the middle of a field. The were in the middle of nowhere and out of sight of everyone. One member of the team went back to the aircraft and got out a large box. It was evidently very heavy and he struggled to get it back to the team. He opened up the box it was filled with pistols and ammunition everyone seemed to have been told what they were going to do except for George.

The pistols were handed out to each member of the team they all loaded them up. There was a moment of silence no one knew what to say in the end the pilot spoke up. "Is there anything any of you want to discuss before we do this."

George cast his mind back to his time spent in Korea he got to learn every secret which the North Koreans had. He knew that North Korea had only one main air base located just outside Hamhung. George decided it was best if the group knew this he could lead them to it and the general would be their for certain.

"I know where he'll be do we have a GPS I can lead us right to him."

"Great we just need to find a car and we'll be half way there." The pilot said he clearly hadn't expected anyone to know where he could be.

Everyone fell silent again no one had anything to contribute to the conversation.

"I know how to jump start a car all we need to do is find one." The young man said he spoke cautiously not sounding sure of himself. Everyone looked at him wondering how it was he had learned such skills. The young man could tell what they were thinking.

"It's a long story." The young man said he sounded worried that someone might make a big deal out of it.

"It doesn't matter right now. We need to get moving I don't think it'll be too hard to get our hands on a car." The pilot said taking command of the group once again he gave them a look which told them the discussion was over.

Everyone got up one of the men had a compass George asked him which direction was north and they followed the way he said. They kept on walking the land around them was hilly and there weren't any major roads anywhere nearby. It occurred to George that they must have looked rather strange five white guys wandering around in the countryside of North Korea. They were all traveling light they weren't carrying much except for their pistols which they had concealed in their blazer pockets. They didn't walk in any kind of formation they didn't want to do anything to draw attention to themselves. After half an hour the group reached a cottage they looked to see if there was a car in the driveway. There was no car it didn't surprise George whoever lived there was probably a farmer and had no real need of a car besides they were too expensive for any working class north korean.

The group kept on walking never knowing when they might be able to stop, George was starting to get tired but he had gone through worse. At least this time he didn't have any heavy gear to carry. The group kept walking for what George guess was an hour until they finally came across a road. It was a small mud road best suited for off road vehicles from the state of the ground George could tell it was used but not all that often.

The group knew what to do they all lied down in the bushes surrounding the road waiting for a car to come by. George positioned himself in a place where the bushes were comfortable enough to lie on but still prevented anyone in a car from seeing him.

The conditions weren't ideal the bushes were big enough so they weren't immediately obvious but if someone looked for them they would find them straight away.

Half an hour past and no cars came by George lay patiently he had appreciated the rest after having had such a long walk. Another half an hour and George was getting restless he looked at the others in the group but they seemed content and focused. George sat there and time slowly dragged on until finally a car arrived. It was a small red family car and it was old but it would do. The pilot jumped up in front of the car it screeched to a halt.

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