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 George trailed Ashanti's car carefully he keptit at the end of the road to try and stay out of sight one way or the other hewas going to finish things once and for all. Sid sat quietly in the back looking out the window. George felt sorry for him he felt he had been harsh onhim but he felt no regrets he did what he had to do to get the help he needed."I'm sorry about earlier I want us to work as a team for that to happen I need you to trust me. Can I count on you for that?"

"Yeah, sure."Sid said without making eye contact he was afraid of what was going to happen. George didn't blame him but right now he couldn't think about it he had to focus on keeping the car near to Ashanti's. He always kept his car at the endof the road as the car speed on through the streets George struggled to keep up.

George kept the back pack by his feet all the weapons except for two pistols and two spare magazines which Sid and George kept on them. The car ride gave George time to think and reflect on everything that had happened and everything, which was about to happen. The world had gone insane everything he knew before the order he fought to maintain was gone. It was nothing like he'd ever seen before the sheer scale of destruction happening right on his very doorstep.

Seeing what he had helped him to understand what general Adams had done Ashanti was the one hope they could pin themselves too to try and believe that if they killed him the war would end. At the back of his mind George didn't think it would be that simple Ashanti was a pawn easily replaced. Now though something else was happening the enemy were retreating from America whatever was about to happen now was bound to be huge.

George knew that something sinister was about to go down and he was the only one who could stop it he was the last obstacle in Ashanti's way. How good an obstacle he was George did not know all he knew was that he would stop him or die trying. Death didn't frighten George but the idea of never seeing Sarah again did. Everything he did he did for her from the moment the ETS was shot down she was all that mattered.

Sarah was the prize that kept George going if he won he would see here again to George that was moreimportant than saving his country. America was a wreckage and he had no idea how much of it could be salvaged and he didn't want to be the one looking through the rubble. He no longer wanted anything to do with America anymore it was only a shadow of what it once was his memory of it had been tainted by violence. There was nothing left for him in America anything but pain and suffering his purpose lied somewhere else.

For now through George's only priority was to kill Ashanti Sall if he failed his mission he put Sarah at risk he would never allow that to happen. It had almost killed him when he thought she was in danger after the ETS was shot down he would never allow herto return to America. They could rebuild their lives somewhere else in France or another European country.

Before that could happen George had to make Ashanti pay for what he had done, he would not let Max's death be in vain. Avenging his death came second only to protecting Sarah he was a good man and he was a friend to George. He had expected that everyone onthe mission would be made of stone and that he would never have any connectionto them let alone a friendship.

He was wrong Max was onethe most decent and most friendly men he had ever known and George would never forget him in as long as may live be that five minutes or be that fifty years. He was a good man and Ashanti ripped him from the world and George would never forget it. He knew what he had to do he would hunt Ashanti down and he would bury him.

The hardest thing for George would be supressing that anger long enough to choose the right moment tostrike. They would most likely be somewhere public when they stopped George would have to wait to kill him. He thought about Sid he almost forgot about him as he'd been sitting so quietly in the back seat. He decided that he had tomade things clear with Sid he would be the one who pulled the trigger on him.

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