Friends 'till The End

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Hey guys Luna here ! Normally I do not write two chapters a day, but since I only just started I figured that it would be nice to do so. The Netherlands has gone out of lockdown, which means that I will go to school again, so I might not update this story on a daily, sorry about that ! With that being said, let's continue :)

y/bd = your birthday 


After being in shock from Chica's pizza y/n started feeling a bit weird. She imagined that it was just her mind messing with her. "Hey Chica, how old is this pizza ?", she asked. "Oh, I don't know darlin'! I suppose around 5 days old, that is the last time I saw someone throw a pizza in there." Y/n was quite in shock from this response, but she was hungry. She hadn't eaten since her lunch break, so she let it slide for once. "Y/n, are you by any chance into music ?", Chica suddenly asked. This brought back memories to y/n, she most certainly is into music. She used to play the piano and write music. "Yes, I am !", she responded. "That's good to here darlin'! Do you want to play music with me ?", Chica asked excitedly. "Sure ! I haven't done much with music in a while though.", said y/n awkwardly. "Oh that's alright ! We all need a bit of practice sometimes !" 


- y/n's pov -

I have never met a nice person, or well animatronic, before. She is so excited about everything ! This is exactly the kind of positivity I need in my life, I hope we can become friends soon. Or more....

Chica taught me how use her guitar, that thing is different from what I used to do. The piano sounds way different. It seems like she was quite into rock music, which I hadn't expected of her. She suggested that I could choose a song to play. I have really been into the band Måneskin, so I suggested their hitsong: I wanna be your slave. "Oh that sure is a good song darlin' !", said Chica. That made me smile, she likes my music. I felt very safe around her, almost as if we have been together since I was born. I felt so strongly connected to her, although I only met her this morning. Maybe it's just my mind messing around with me, it wants me to find new friends after all. She feels like more than just a friend though, I wonder how she feels about me.


- Chica's pov -

She has such great music taste ! She's so wonderful as well. I could look at her playing music all day. I wanted to get to know her better, so I decided to ask a bunch of stuff. "Y/n, when is your birthday?" She looked up, it seems like she was deep into thoughts. "Oh, m-my birthday is y/bd.", she said quietly. "Thank you ! I will remember that !", I said while quickly mumbling her birthday, so I would never forget. I told her that she can spend her birthday here and we can spend the whole day together. She seemed happy about the thought, but kindly declined it as her family wants to visit her during her birthday. "Why don't you bring your family as well ? I would love to meet them ! Speaking off family, do you want to meet the others ?", I asked. Y/n nodded and said: "I would to meet the others Chica !" I kind of regret asking her to meet them, I loved having some alone time with her, but I am sure that my time will come again soon, she works at my place after all. 


Chica knocked on the door of the next room. Y/n didn't even have the time to check who's in there, as Chica ran off so quickly. Lucky for her she discovered soon enough who it is as a huge alligator opened the door. He lowered is sunglasses to take a look at you. "Who did you bring this time ?", he asked. This time ? Has this happened before ? Y/n finally started to feel special and then this happens. "Her name is y/n and she is very kind ! I think you would like her !", Chica told the alligator. "Mmh, nah. Not my thing.", he said and closed his door. "Monty !", Chica tried calling for him, but he didn't come out anymore. "Oh darlin', I am so sorry about him. He's not used to seeing humans like you. He's used to smaller ones." Y/n looked down to herself wondering what she meant as y/n is literally 5'2. Chica noticed and said: "He's used to being around kids, y'know. Seeing a grown up at his door is weird for him." Y/n thought that made lots of sense, but Chica didn't mind, so why did he ? "Has he had a bad experience with grown ups?", she asked. "Not that I know off, Monty is just a little shy. You wouldn't say so ! He destroys a lot of things and is angry the whole time, but there is a nice fella somewhere in there." Y/n was suddenly glad that the gator wasn't interested in her, at least then she doesn't have to deal with anger issues. "Come on y/n, let's meet Roxy !", Chica said, while once again grabbing y/n's hand. Roxy also didn't seem too interested in y/n. "Chica, you can't just bring a human over here, it might be dangerous.", she said. "Y/n isn't just a human, she is one of the nicest ones I have ever met !", Chica said angrily. Y/n didn't know that animatronics could even get angry at each other. The girls started fighting for a bit until Roxy finally gave in and shook y/n's hand. "I guess, it's nice meeting you, Chica seems to be very fond of you.", she said, still a little angry. It made y/n very happy to hear that Chica is fond of her, she was very fond of Chica as well. Chica then took her to the last room. It was Freddy's. You surely hoped that he will like you, so at least two out of the four animatronics are on your side. "Hello Chica, how may I help you?", he politely asked while opening his door. "I want you to meet y/n !", she said. She pushed y/n forward and she nearly bumped into Freddy because of that. "Oh well hello there superstar ! I do not think I have ever seen you before.", he said while scanning y/n. "I started working here today, I work at Mazercise.", said y/n nervously. "I am sorry I do not go up there often, it makes me very hungry. I have to recharge now, but it is very nice meeting you, good luck at your job, superstar!", he said. Y/n wanted to thank him, but he already closed the door. Then an announcement was made, it echoed through the entire building. Y/n wasn't paying attention, but she did hear something that shocked her. "The Pizzaplex is closed ? Oh no, I am still here, now what am I supposed to do !", she said. "Don't ya worry darlin'. You are safe with me. Do you want to play some games? I have a bunch of party passes in my bag !", Chica said while trying to comfort y/n. 'Finally some time alone with her again.', she thought. Y/n didn't know much about this place, so Chica suggested Fazer Blast. "It's very fun!", she said, "And afterwards we can go down to the west arcade, so you can meet DJ Music Man as well ! He is such a nice guy." 


Hiya I know this chapter is a little short, but I wasn't quite sure on how to end this chapter. I have decided to make Chica fall in love with y/n, so yes they will be dating sometime, but now is not the time. Also shoutout to the person who told me y/n is dressed like the Rock, I based that outfit off one I sometimes wear myself and it brought back a memory. I once recreated a photo of that meme, thanks for the laughs ! 

Lots of love,

Luna <3

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