We're puttin' the band back together

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Omg we are nearly at 1k views, thank you! Also look at my funky little boi. I love him so much. Anyways let's get right into it!


It had been a few days when suddenly you got a call from your dad. You decided to pick it up straight away. Chica heard you talk through the other room and was curious. She decided to secretly follow you. You were walking through the house while talking, so it was very hard for Chica to secretly follow you. You hung up after what seemed like three hours, in reality it had only been five minutes. You turned around a got scared of Chica. She instantly apologised, but saw a sudden smile on your face. "What's going on, what's so funny?", she asked. "Nothing, it's just that my dad fixed Foxy and I can pick him up today!" Chica then flew in your arms and thanked you like a million times in a row. You patted her on the back and told her you're going to get him now. Chica was then left alone, but this time she didn't care, she will see her good friend again. 


- few minutes time skip -

Chica was sitting at the couch when she suddenly heard a pirate accent. - idk if that's the name of Foxy's accent, but idc lol.- She opened the door and saw Glamrock Foxy. "Ahoy matey! Yer lookin' extra feisty today, aren't ye?", he said. Chica was a bit confused, but hugged him straight away. You then told her he is malfunctioning a bit and thinks everyone is her dad for some reason. She said he wouldn't stop calling her dad since she met him. Chica giggled and let the two come in. "Aye, whatcha laughin' for? Ye be actin' suspiscious since the moment I saw ye." "Foxy, calm down. She means no harm.", you said. He gave you an angry look at sat down on the couch. "Dad, have ye moved? This ain't our couch." "I'm not your dad and no I have not moved, but you have. You live here now.", you replied a bit annoyed. You then left the two alone as you had to work an extra night shift today, the night guard, Vanessa, was sick today. You waved at them and left. 


- Chica's pov -

Oh how I missed Foxy! But I do not know if this is the Foxy I know. He is acting very strange, I guess it is not easy to make us and y/n's dad probably made a tiny mistake. It's okay though, I missed him too much to be mad at him! Although I wish he would shut up about Jack Sparrow for just one minute, y/n left ten minutes ago and I am done with it already!


- y/n's pov -

Vanessa isn't sick, I'm here to pick up Bonnie. If my dad can fix Foxy, then he can fix Bonnie as well. I came here at night so nobody would find me. "Hey little guy!", I then heard. I turned around and stood face to face with Monty. Ah great my least favorite of them all is following me now. I said hi and tried to sneak out, but he grabbed my arm and put me on the floor. "I know what you're doing young lady. I must stop you." I wonder if he really knew or if he is just trying to be cool like he always thinks he is. I decided to take off his sunglasses, I don't know why I just wanted to. So I did! And he got angry... Typical, I should've known. I panicked and I tossed the sunglasses through the room. He then chased them down. Perfect! Now I can run and I did. I heard him growl and run after me, but I was too fast. I hid in a locker and he ran right past me. Ha, he is so blind! I got out of the locker and ran down to Parts and Service. Oh how I hate this place.  One of the endo's hit me for some reason. Then I got mad and hit him back. I don't know why I keep doing dumb things, I think I bruised my hand. I did find Bonnie though and quickly escaped through the fire escape. I am going to get the band back together!


Sorry for the short chapter! My finger hurts a lot, I have troubles typing today, sorry :(

Anyways I am now going into my Lolbit cosplay, if you wanna see become mutuals with me on my tik tok account: Roxyssecurityguard and I will see you all later!

Lots of love,


glamrock chica x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now