Trust Me

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Hiya guys, Luna here! Wow this story keeps gaining reads and I'm so glad !! Thanks for all the love <3 anyways with that being said... let's get riiiiight into it !


'I Love You'. Those are three strong words to use and yet Chica used them. Y/n couldn't sleep that night. ( Poor girl hasn't had sleep since '87 or so lmao.) She rarely used these words herself, but hearing them come from Chica made her beyond happy. "I love you too Chica.", she whispered and finally she fell asleep. Not for long though as Chica probablr realised what she said like thirty minutes later. "REALLY?", the chicken screamed in her ear. Y/n nearly punched herself and woke up straight away. Chica noticed and said: "Oh my, I am so sorry darlin'! I didn't mean to scare you, I thought you were still awake." Y/n laughed and calmed her down. "That's alright, now what's wrong?", she asked. "Oh nothing, I just wondered if you... uhm.. if you really love me too?", Chica asked a bit scared. "Of course I do Chica! Why wouldn't I?", y/n answered with a big smile on her face. Why wouldn't she? Good question, maybe because she didn't trust Chica? Because she didn't like Chica? Nonsense, the girl has never been happier. Chica was so happy, but she knew y/n needed her sleep so she tried to calm down herself and let the girl get some rest.


- Chica's pov -

Ever since she said that I just can't stop smiling, and I'm an animatronic! I'm not supposed to smile! But the thought of her just made me so happy. Clearly I have fallen in love with her, I wonder if she has too. I decided to ask her tomorrow, she needs some rest now. I do too, I suppose that I can recharge myself with her car batteries while she's asleep.


- time skip -

Y/n woke up quite early, because she forgot to turn off her alarm clock. She groaned and wanted to punch herself in the face. At least she now had exactly 5 hours and 27 minutes of sleep in the past two days. She's had more sleep in the future, but she could live with it. She hopes. She went downstairs to make herself breakfast, but it seems like someone already did that for her. "Goodmorning darlin'! I didn't know when you would wake up, but I wanted to make you breakfast!", Chica suddenly walked into the kitchen even happier than normally. "Thank you Chica! I really appreciate it!", said y/n and she patted Chica on her shoulder. She then sat down to eat her breakfast. Chica made her eggs and bacon, which she found funny considering Chica is a chicken. It was delicious, Chica was definitely good at this. "Thanks again Chica, it was delicious!", the girl said. Chica looked up and said: "Oh no problem! I knew you would like it!" Y/n then smiled at her and told her she'd be in her room to get dressed. Chica completely forgot about the Pizzaplex. The only thing she had on her mind was y/n and how to ask her out. The breakfast was part 1 of her plan. Later on today she would do much more. After a few minutes y/n walked downstairs fully dressed and ready to start a day full of romance and fun. "Darlin', since this is your day off I have decided to take you somewhere special!", Chica then told her. Y/n wondered where they would go to. "Come on, trust me it will be fun!", Chica said and she dragged y/n out of the door. She got in the car and started driving. "Wow hold on Chica, you can drive?", y/n asked. "No!" No? Oh no, y/n hoped this would go well. To her surprise it did. After a thirty minute ride Chica suddenly stopped and parked y/n's car. They were in the middle of nowhere and y/n wondered what could be here. Chica then grabbed her hand and dragged right into the woods. After walking for a few minutes Chica stopped and told y/n to close her eyes. Y/n did as she was told to and had her eyes closed for quite a while. Chica giggled and said: "Okay, you can open them now!" Y/n opened her eyes, Chica prepared a whole picknick! Everything was there, y/n's favorite food, her favorite drink, pizza of course and.... a box. Y/n was rather curious about the box, but Chica stopped her: "No no, you cannot open the box yet! Trust me, you want to eat first." She was right, y/n was very hungry again. They had a very lovely picknick together and eventually all the food was gone. Y/n was quite in shock, she didn't think they would eat it all, but yet here we are. "Can I open the box now?", she asked. Chica nodded and y/n opened the box. There was a necklace in it, one that looked just like a necklace from y/n's favorite movie. Y/n gasped and thanked Chica like ten times. "No problem, darlin'. There is something I have to ask you though, please be honest with me.", Chica said. Y/n was a bit worried, but nodded. "I like you a lot y/n, do you like me too?"


Ohhhh a cliffhanger, see y'all tomorrow !

Lots of love,

Luna <3

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