So This Is Love ?

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Hiya Luna here ! Thanks for 100 reads !


It was finally 6am, the doors are now opened. Y/n was just about to go when she realised she had to work in three hours. What's the point of going home? She also got distracted by something else. A big metal hand touched her shoulder, she turned around expecting Chica, but it was Monty. "Hey uhm, y/n it is right? I just wanted to apologise for acting so cold. Chica likes you a lot, so I guess you and I just have to get along.", he said and laughed. Y/n smiled and said: "Yeah I guess so, don't worry big guy, we're all good." He nodded and gave her a thumbs up, then he left. "Oh am I glad he apologised to you darlin'! I would be very angry if he wouldn't." Y/n suddenly heard, she turned around again and saw Chica. Y/n smiled and walked straight to her, with butterflies in her stomach. What a funny feeling. Chica pointed at the exit and said: "You can leave now, if you want. The doors are finally open !". "Thanks Chica, but I have to work in a few hours, I think I might just stay until then.", y/n replied. "That's alright! Are you hungry? I think I might still have some pizza in my room.", the chicken told y/n. Y/n remembered what happened with her last pizza and decided to just skip breakfast. "Thanks for the offer Chica, but I can't eat food this early." "That's totally fine darlin'! Go have some rest until you have to work, my room door is open.", Chica replied before walking off to the entrance to greet some kids. Y/n walked into Chicas room, a bit hungry. The trash pizza almost made her even hungrier, but luckily she could get rid of that thought. She decided to lie down for a while.


- time skip -

After a day of working that seemed to last like two weeks y/n had finished her shift. Today it was Tuesday and apparently people don't come here a lot that day. She decided to go home straight away today as she barely had any sleep. Before she could leave someone tapped her shoulder. "Hey darlin'! Are you heading home already? I wanted to take you out for dinner!", Chica said a bit upset. Y/n couldn't stand to see her like this and decided to stay for dinner. Chica saw y/n yesterday at El Chips, it's where everything started, so she decided to take her there. The girls shared a pizza together and had lots of fun. "Y'know, I don't need to pay for food in this place so you're all good for today!", Chica told y/n. Y/n laughed, that sure is good to know. "Are you sure you don't want to stay? There is so much to do!", Chica asked. "I am sorry, Chica. I am very tired, maybe I can stay longer tomorrow, but not the whole night anymore, that is a bit too exhausting for me.", y/n replied and laughed. She stopped laughing once she saw how upset Chica was. "Oh Chica, I am so sorry. Can't you come with me? Then we can do whatever we want at my home. Wednesday is my day off after all.", she then asked. "I can't, I have to recharge every few hours, it is a safety precaution.", the chicken replied still very upset. Y/n held her hand and said: "Hey, we can think of a solution for that, I am sure." "I think they will notice that I am gone darlin'. I just can't do it.", Chica replied. Y/n then felt upset as well, for some reason she didn't want to leave Chica behind. Then she had an idea: "What if we leave via the fire escape? I am sure I can recharge with some car batteries. It's just for one night!" Chica got up and nearly jumped into y/n's arms. People looked up everywhere. "OH that's a bit awkward.", said Chica embarassed,"But can you? Because that might work and I can spend the night with you!" Y/n smiled at Chica's enthusiasm and said: "Yes of course I can, I am sure!" Chica then actually hugged her and ran out of the restaurant. She later on came back cause she realised she forgot to take y/n with her. Y/n simply just laughed and ran alongside the chicken to the fire escape. "This plac is for VIP's only, I don't know why it is a very stupid rule! But lucky for you, I have access to this door.", said Chica. Y/n indeed found it a weird thing, but let it be as it is not her problem. The girls ran away together straight to y/n's house.


- time skip - 

Chica was a bit nervous at first, afraid that people at the Pizzaplex would find out, but she had so much fun with y/n that she also didn't really care. The girls watched a movie together and went stargazing. It was around 10pm and y/n just remembered she has a pool. "Chica, can you swim?", she asked feeling a bit dumb as Chica is a literal robot. "I can! Our creators made us waterproof and even taught us how to swim!", she replied. "I am glad, I have a pool outside, you wanna jump in?", y/n asked. "YES!", Chica said happily. The girls both just jumped into the pool, y/n didn't even change. They sat in the pool together for around an hour, when suddenly y/n started feeling really tired. She yawned and said: "I'm sorry Chica, it seems that I am very tired. Are you okay with it if I head to bed?", she asked politely. Chica laughed ans said: "Ha, you sound just like Freddy, have you got a Fazwatch by any chance? Of course you can, but I will join you. I don't want you to be alone." Y/n nodded and showed her a fazwatch. Chica knew it, she smiled and walked into y/n's bedroom. It looked very nice. It seemed like y/n is a fan of flowers as she has flowers hanging everywhere, or at least plastic flowers. She explored the room a bit and noticed a photo of young girl. "Who is this?", she asked. "That is my best friend, she passed away a few years ago.", y/n replied. "I am so sorry! Are you alright?", Chica asked very concerned. Y/n smiled and said: "I am now, don't you worry." Then she lied down in bed, suddenly she felt two robotic arms around her. "Sleep well, y/n. I will protect you. I love you."


Alright that is all you're getting today!

Lots of love,

Luna <3

Also I have a question: Are any of you interested in a funtime foxy fanfic? He's my favorite animatronic and I would love to write about him!

For those interested:

Insta: milajongen 

Tik Tok: roxyssecurityguard

Snapchat: milaj2004 

Bye Bye !

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