A Pirates Life

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Wow I got 1.1k reads?? Thank you!!

Here is a chapter about my favorite :)


Chica was still stuck with Foxy at your home and got so tired of him. She stood up and said: "Foxy, do you want to watch a movie?" She knew that he would say yes and choose Pirates Of The Carribean. "No, not now lass. I be rather busy." "Busy? With what? You're sitting on a couch, Foxy!", she replied angrily. "This couch be me pirate ship and you, my lass, be me mermaid." Chica doesn't want to be a mermaid... "Foxy, I don't wanna be a mermaid.", she replied sadly. Foxy didn't listen. "You be me Ariel, I be your Jack Sparrow.", he said and jumped on the couch. "They're not even in the same movie!", Chica then replied extremely annoyed. Foxy then gave her a sad look, he sat down on the couch with his head on his knee. Chica felt bad and asked: "What's wrong Foxy?" "I miss the old times lass, I remember the Pizzaplex. Do you remember me theatre show? I want to go back.", he sighed and got up from the couch walking in circles. Chica then felt even worse: "I miss it too, but trust me y/n is the best! You are her favorite, y'know." "I- I am?", he asked. Chica nodded, Foxy smiled and said: "Aye, we should put up a show for the lass then! You be me mermaid, please." Chica nodded again and together they played. It was the most fun Foxy has had since... well that might be a story for another time.


- Foxy's pov - 

After Chica and I played A Pirates Life she showed me around the house. Whoever that lass might be, she sure is into the Foxy's. I noticed that she be a fan of the Funtime Animatronics. I did not have enough time to talk to her as she quickly left after we arrived here, but I already know she will be me new favorite person. It almost saddens me that she loves Chica. I be happy for me lass though, she was always alone while all of us had someone to love. Freddy had Bonnie, I even had a fling with Roxy and Monty. Me treasure ain't the only booty I be goin' after. ( Sorry ). One room that I liked most was her so called: 'Funtime Room', now you would think that be a room with games and music, but it be a room filled with plushies. She has one of me, that made this old fox very happy. I saw that she used to go to The Rockstars. I miss me old lad Rockstar Foxy and his bird. I sometimes wish our story had ended there, so I wouldn't have to miss all me lads. Chica left me alone in this room. I did not know what to do, but I did not want to leave. As I walked through the room I saw a letter. It had the date '2018' written on it, that be 12 years ago! Y/n wrote this letter, I just knew it.


Dear Rockstar Foxy,

I love you! You are my favorite. Today is my 7th birthday and my momma is taking me to your pizzeria. 
Can you send me a letter back?

Y/n :)

Foxy turned the letter around and saw that someone had replied to the letter:

Aye me little lass,

Happy birthday to you!

May many years come after.

Rockstar Foxy and Larry the Pirate Parrot.

Foxy smiled, he remembers this somehow. He doesn't know why. Maybe he has seen y/n before?


- back to Foxy -

That letter made me smile a lot. Me lad rarely replied to letters, y/n must've been special. Something inside me tells me to protect her. I will protect her from now on. That lass sure did have an impact on me. As I was looking through her room I heard Chica open the door. I decided to check who was there. It's the lass! I overheard them talking about me. Chica told her I behaved very well, I laughed a bit. Then I heard something that I surely liked: "Bonnie is coming back??" "Oh my God Foxy, have you been overhearing us?", Chica then asked while lookin' at me. I was a bit embarassed and apologised, but that wonderful lass told me it be alright. She understood me enthusiasm. Thank god she exists. She then put her arm around Chica and the two of them left. I was alone again. I be used to that, back in the old days I had me own Pirates Cove and once I was out of order I was left there in the dark. I be glad that I be free to roam around now. Oh how I miss that old lad though, he had humor. Now I could not stop thinking about me Bonnie. I missed that old bunny. I decided to chech the lass' room for Bonnie stuff and I was not dissapointed. It seemed she held a huge love for Toy Bonnie, me lass sure is into the old ones. I also found a photo of her and Rockstar Bonnie, she looked so happy. I just know she be excited for this as well. Oh how I hope me lass can bring back the band...


Sorry for the short chapter, again...

I will try to write more from now on!

Once again thank you for all the reads, I am so so grateful!

Lots of love,


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