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You had brought back Foxy and you are currently at your dads for Bonnie. You feel so proud of yourself. You will bring back the band. Oh how much you loved the original four. Honestly don't we all? You sat down on your dad's couch and started talking to the birds. They are so excited to see you, you miss having a pet around. You have Chica, but she is not really a pet. Maybe Foxy will be a nice one. As you were telling your birds about your day you got a phone call. You didn't know where it's from, the phone number is not familiar with you. You picked up: "Hello this is y/n y/ln speaking." "Y/n, it's me Freddy. Save us please, the Pizzaplex is on fire!" "OH MY GOD< WHAT?", you rushed out of the door. Your dad asked where you are going and you just replied with: "Pizzaplex, fire, bye dad!" You ran to your car and instantly drove off to the Pizzaplex. You wondered how Freddy got your number though... 'Ugh why do I care about that now?', you thought to yourself and you started driving faster. A little too fast actually. As you finally got there you saw all the animatronics standing outside, you wondered how DJMM got out of there. The Plex was burning and firemen were everywhere. Freddy ran up to you and said: "Can we stay with you? Please..." You nodded. Then you realised you had a small car. "Oh my, I don't know how to get you all in here!" But you didn't see them anymore. You saw Freddy and Roxy in the back, Sun sat in the front seat and Monty for some reason sat on the car. Freddy waved at you and you rolled your eyes. You giggled a bit and started driving. "Oh no, I forgot DJMM!", you then said. "Don't worry Superstar, he is following us.", Freddy replied. You turned around and jumped abit when seeing the huge DJ following you. How is it possible? You decided to not overthink everything this time and just let it be. Once you got home you told them to stay in the car for a bit. You walked in and instantly saw Chica. She told you Foxy had been a good guy. You decided to tell her about Bonnie and even heard Foxy yell something from upstairs. Chica got mad, but you didn't mind him overhearing them. 


As you walked into the living room you had to break the news to Chica. "Hey Chica, I got to tell you something." "Sure darlin', what's up?", she asked. You told her all about the fire and the animatronics wanting to live here. She was in shock. She started malfunctioning and accidentally deactivated herself. "Oh my god Chica! Are you okay?", you yelled and held her in your arms. Foxy ran down the stairs and said: "Lass, there be robots in ye backyard!" You looked up and saw the gang outside in your garden just running around. "What the fu-" "Lass, ye can't say that, it be a bad word." "Sorry.", you mumbled and you told Foxy to take care of Chica. Meanwhile she would go outside and ask them what the fu- fudge... fudge? Sure. What the fudge they are doing, you growled a bit knowing you can no longer swear and you were out here thinking Foxy would swear as well. "Guys, what are you doing?", you asked angrily. "We are having a garden party!", Sun said. You had only seen that guy once and you really did not like him. You told them to get out of there and they ran inside. "No! Leave!", you then yelled. Then they all looked at you and sighed. They were now sad. 'Oh great I hurt a bunch of robots.', you thought. You sighed and closed the door to your garden. You jumped and nearly screamed when you saw DJMM's face looking right into your soul. "Goddamnit, you are scary.", you said. She let the animatronics walk out of the front door and you decided to call your boss. Luckily he picked up. "Good evening this is Mister Afton speaking." "Goodevening sir, it is me y/n. I work at Mazercise, there was a fire today and all the animatronics instantly came to me. I cannot help them, do you have a place for them to stay?", you replied. "I heard of the fire, how tragic. There is an old pizzeria somewhere around here, it used to be Circus Baby's Pizza World. You can take them there. You can still fid it on Google Maps." "Thank you sir, I will do that." "Great, oh and you're fired. I don't have another choice, goodbye." "Bye?" Well obviously you are fired, you can't work at something that burned down. You searched for the pizzeria on Maps and took the animatronics there, including Foxy and Chica. It was a few minutes away from you, so you decided to walk. Nobody said anything during the walk and it was very boring. Chica was awake again and held your hand, but she refused to look at you. It seemed like you made a bunch of animatronics very angry. 

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