What To Do

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Hiya Luna here! I will not keep you all waiting for too long. Let's get right into it!


"I uhm I- OH MY GOD CHICA THE PIZZAPLEX!", y/n suddenly screamed. Chica gasped: "Oh no! What if they are looking for me?" "Don't worry, I will drive there and see if anyone is looking for you.", y/n replied and she calmed down Chica. 


- Chica's pov - 

She told me to wait here until she comes back, she never answered my question. I'm so worried now. I should never have said that. She can't like me! She's human and I am not. God, I am so stupid why did I even ask? And now I'm all alone as well. What if someone kidnaps me? I decided to just sit down and enjoy the wheather for a bit, but it was very hard. I couldn't stop thinking about her...


- y/n's pov -

I was quickly driving to the Pizzaplex, but some thoughts kept running through my mind. Do I love her too? Am I in love with her? Why has she got feelings for me, she is a robot? I was very confused, but happy at the same time. As I arrived at the Pizzaplex I noticed something. No one was looking for Chica! Instead they were cheering for Glamrock Mr. Hippo? Then I realized it, Chica is replaced! Damn, they got over her soon. No one seems to care about it either. Should I tell her? She will probably get hurt, but she deserves to know the truth, right? Deep into my thoughts once again I drove back to Chica. 


- small time skip -

Y/n arrived in the woods, still unsure of what to do. If she told Chica she did have her all to herself from now on. Why does she want that? She started blushing a bit when she even thought about it. "Oh y/n there you are! Are they looking for me?", Chica suddenly asked. Y/n sighed and decided to tell her the truth: "I'm sorry Chica, they are not. They replaced you with Mr. Hippo." "Oh that's alright, that means I get to spend more time with you!", Chica replied. Y/n didn't except her to say that, in fact she prepared for an overemotional chicken, but it seems like that wasn't needed. Y/n told her they should probably head home and Chica agreed. It had been a weird day so far. It was only 3pm so God knows what else will happen. They were both very quiet on their way home. Y/n decided to put on some music to break the silence. They started playing Blinding Lights by The Weeknd. "Oh I love this song!", Chica said while quietly humming along. Y/n agreed and around a minute later the girls were both singing along to the song, simply just having fun. Once they got home y/n had to check her laptop for her job. Mazercise is a nice place to be, but she never has time to check her emails there as kids are always up to something. Meawhile Chica sat down on the couch and wondered what else she could do about the whole situation. The time they had together in the car was very fun and she wouldn't want it any other way. Maybe they could have another ride at night? Nah, it's getting boring then. How about a walk at the beach? Which beach? Chica had no clue anymore and sighed. Y/n looked up from her laptop and asked: "Hey are you okay, is anything wrong?" "No, I am fine. I think I just need to recharge.", Chica replied. Y/n nodded: "Go ahead, you know where to find the batteries!" Chica gave her a thumbs up and walked to the garage. While recharging she got a wonderful idea. 


- another time skip -

It was 7pm, y/n had just had dinner and was tired already. That's what you get when you spend a whole night at the Pizzaplex. Chica suddenly put her hand in front of her face, so y/n couldn't see anything. Then she told her to follow her. She led y/n outside and told her to sit down. Y/n sat down and kept her eyes closed. Then Chica put on the song 'So This Is Love' from Cinderella. "You can open your eyes now, darlin'.", she whispered. Y/n opened her eyes and gasped. Chica had transformed the whole garden into a literal fairytale. It is so beautiful! She inspired it off y/n's favorite movie, which is of course Cinderella. "Dance with me once again, y/n.", Chica whispered in her ear. Y/n got shivers down her spine from that and agreed on it straight away. The girls danced for a good few hours until y/n started getting very tired. She nearly fell asleep in Chica's arms. "Come with me darlin', you need some sleep.", Chica said. She took y/n upstairs and put her down in bed. She stroked her hair and said: "Look at you, so peaceful, so beautiful." Y/n smiled and held Chica's hand. "Chica?" "Mhm?" "I like you too."


Hey guys, wow there it is finally ! Thanks to this story I now am a GR Chica simp irl as well lol :)

I hope you guys like this story so far, I don't know what else to add in, but I will think of something. It might take a while!

If you have any requests for this story, or maybe for another one, feel free to comment them. I will listen to you !

Lots of love,

Luna <3 

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