Our Love Will Last Forever

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Hiya, sorry it took me a while to publish a new chapter! But here it is :) So let's get right into it.

Also credits to the artist ! I love these designs and they're now cannon in my story lol


- time skip -

It had been a few months since the last time we heard of our girls. Chica still lives with y/n and sadly never returned to the Pizzaplex. People like Glamrock Mr. Hippo a lot and she doesn't want to ruin it for him. Y/n still works at Mazercise though. She noticed that they changed everything in there once Mr. Hippo showed up. She also noticed something she wished she had seen before. A parts and service room. She saw a bunch of parts over there that clearly belonged to a bunny and a fox. She wanted to ask Chica about it, but didn't know how to. Clearly they knew each other as all animatronics in the Plex know eachother somehow. 

It was now early in the morning and y/n has to go to work in a few minutes. Chica had made her breakfast for their four month anniversary. She made eggs and bacon. Y/n noticed that she made this a lot, perhaps Chica really likes these things. When y/n was about to leave she quickly told Chica she loved her and heard a 'I love you too', before she closed the door.


- y/n's pov -

I had just arrived at work. The place is still magical, but I am not a big fan of the Hippo. I remember him from the old pizzeria. I was never a big fan of the Mediocre Melodies. Ever since he arrived Mazercise had turned entirely purple and they also got rid of Chica's introduction in the place. I miss hearing her and seeing her here. I love to see her at my house, of course I do, but she loved this place so much. I decided that after work I would stay a bit longer to go to parts and service again, although those endos really scare me. Before I could do that though, I have to survive the whole day around kids. I love my job, but sometimes I wish this place was for adults only. 

As my shift ended I instantly ran downstairs and got to Parts and Service. Those creepy endos were following me again, I wonder why. They are literally everywhere I don't want them to be and why is there so many? Isn't one Freddy enough? I hope he never saw this place, I am sure he would lose it. As I arrived at my place to be I found the animatronic parts again. I noticed a whole body just laying there! Clearly it was Foxy. I smiled a bit when I saw him as he was always my favorite. I heard a bunch of people talk about Bonnie through time, but no one ever mentioned Foxy. I just assumed he was never made, but seems like he is. I sat there for a few minutes just looking at him and nearly cried. I wish he had the chance to shine on that stage as well. I then heard someone approach me. It was a huge person as the whole floor would shake with every step they took. "Hey kid, what are you doing here? You're not allowed to be down here.", a female voice said. I looked up and made eye contact with Roxy. She then said: "Oh you are not a child, what are you doing here?" I didn't say much, I just pointed at Foxy's parts and Roxy sat down next to me. "I miss him, I wish he could come back somehow.", she then said. I was confused, she knows him? That means he was here when Monty and Roxy had joined the band already! I decided to ask her what she knew about him. "He was on stage with the others, finally he didn't have his own stage anymore. He was a very wonderful guy and he felt like a father for me. They decommisioned him because they thought he was getting old. Kids nowadays aren't interested in pirates.", Roxy replied and let out a sad sigh. I comforted her and I had an idea: "I don't know much about these things, but my dad does. Maybe if I take the parts with me I can ask him to fix him?" "Just like you took Chica home?", she asked. I gasped and quickly replied with a sorry. She laughed and said: "No it's fine, she really likes you. I hope you two are happy. I will help you with sneaking these parts out of the building. There is a fire escape here." I nodded and told her I know that one as Chica and I left through that building. I felt bad for Roxy, she lost two great friends now. Luckily that would change soon. She helped me escaping the Plex and I thanked her. She patted my head and walked away. Funny reaction, I hope my dad can fix Foxy for her. Before driving home I drove to my dad's and when I arrived he instantly opened the door. I walked in and memories came back once again. I miss the times I lived here. I saw my birds in the living room tweeting happily. I was very hungry so I made it quick. I told my dad everything and he said he would take a look at it. I gave him Foxy's parts and then had to leave again. I waved at him and drove home. I was very late, I hope Chica doesn't mind.

As I arrived home, Chica was standing at the front door angrily. "Where have you been?", she asked. I decided to not tell her just yet what exactly I was doing. "I visited my dad, I am so sorry I should've texted you." Chica then walked into the living room still angry. "Y/n I have to ask. Do you have another lover?" "What? No! What makes you think so?", I asked completely in shock from what she just asked. "You never visit your dad!" "Yes I do! I just haven't done it in a while as I was busy!" "Nonsense, you are cheating on me! I should've known I couldn't trust you!" Chica nearly broke down in tears, so I just decided to tell her the truth. "Chica, look at me there is something you need to know." She looked up at me and I continued: "I am not cheating on you, that is not why I am late. The other day I had to go to parts and service and I found Bonnie and Foxy. I decided to go back today and Roxy found me there. She told me how much she misses Foxy and I felt bad for her. My dad might be able to make him, so I visited him asking if he could do that for me. That's why I'm late now. I didn't want to tell you just yet, because I don't know if my dad will be able to actually fix him." Chica just sat there for a minute staring at me. It was very awkward, I smiled at her and she then pulled me into a hug and apologized around a hundred times. I smiled at her assured her it's okay. "You really love me, right?", Chica asked. I smiled and said: "Of course I do, Starlight. I will always love you." 


Okay that is it! I hope you like this, this story will now also focus a bit on Foxy and eventually Bonnie, but Chica and y/n are obviously still the main characters.

Also I would really appreciate if y'all could give me a follow on Tik Tok: Roxyssecurityguard. Thank you very much and I will see you all later!

Lots of love,

Luna <3

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