A Blast

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Hey guys ! Luna here <3 Thanks for the 46 reads, Idk if its really a lot, but to me it is. Really thank you ! Anyways with that being said, lets continue :)


Y/n and Chica were just about to go to Fazer Blast when Chica suddenly remembered something. "Y/n, I never showed you one place. I think you'd like it. Come, I have to show you this before we go to Fazer Blast!", the chicken excitedly said and without hesitation she grabbed y/n's hand and ran. After a while they arrived at a place that turned out to be a daycare. "Why are you taking me to a daycare, are you done with me already?", y/n jokingly said. Chica laughed and replied: "Oh no, that is not the case ! Not yet.", she laughed again, "I want you to meet the daycare attendant. He's a bit overexcited, but he is kind." Y/n would love to meet him, but she was a bit nervous. Chica also told her that the others are kind and so far only Freddy was nice to you. She decided o trust Chica anyways and let her lead the way. Chica then knocked on a big brown door that led to the daycare itself. "It looks beautiful in there, I would've loved that as a child.", y/n said still in awe of how pretty it is. "The kids love it for sure ! Secretly I do too.", Chica said quietly. Y/n laughed, she completely understood Chica, it is a very nice place. After a minute or two the door finally opened. "Hello my friend. Who have you brought over here today?", a creature asked. Y/n thought he was quite scary. "Sun, I want you to meet y/n. She is my new friend !", Chica replied to Sun. 'Sun, what a basic name. Couldn't they thought of anything more original?', y/n thought. Before she could say anything else Sun had picked her up and took her straight to the daycare. "We are going to have so much fun together ! We can fingerpaint, have puppet shows, play hide and seek. Oh there is so many things we can do!", the Sun excitedly said. God this animatronic sure has a lot of energy, might be good for kids, but it is certainly not y/n's thing. "Oh Sun darling, I am awfully sorry, but y/n and I had plans already. Perhaps we can come back another time?", Chica told Sun. Sun seemed upset, at least for as far as an animatronic can look sad. "That's alright, but please come back, you promised!", he said still a bit upset. "You have my word!", Chica said while walking out of the daycare with y/n. "Now that is Sun he is the kind one, but for some reason the creators of him decided to make a Moon as well. You don't want to meet him, he is awfully scary. I don't know why they even made him in the first place!", Chica explained to y/n. Y/n thought it was quite a weird concept indeed, why make a scarier version of something that already looks scary enough? 


- time skip -

It is 2am, y/n and Chica have fought against eachother in Fazer Blast for quite a while now. 'I only need to capture one more flag to win.', y/n thought. She tried looking for the third flag, but the lights are so bright it is nearly impossible. After nearly dying like three times, she finally found it. Y/n had her own strategy on how to capture the flag. 'I got this!', she thought. She captured the flag and protected it until she finally heard the announcer. "Well done Space Cadet, you captured the flags." Y/n won ! Finally she was done with this game. It was fun, but very exhausting as well. "Wow you did great darlin'! I didn't even see you there.", Chica said while putting a hand on y/n's shoulder. "Why thank you Chica. This was very fun!" Chica pulled y/n in a hug. "I am so glad I met you y/n ! I never had a real friend before!", she said. Y/n felt so happy all of a sudden, she hadn't had a friend in a while. She was so glad she met Chica as well. Just like that the two girls walked straight to the arcade. Chica seemed very excited about y/n meeting the DJ. Y/n had heard of a music man before and she was not a big fan of that thing, so she hoped that this version of him was a little less scary. After arriving there y/n was left in shock. "Darlin', are you alright?", Chica asked while holding y/n's arm. "I uhm, yeah I'm fine. That DJ is huge!", y/n said a little scared. "He is, but he is very kind! Let's talk to him!" "I dont know if I-", y/n couldn't even finish, Chica already ran to the DJ. "Hey wait up ! Don't leave me here!", y/n said while running after Chica. She noticed that Chica was talking to y/n and pointed at her. "Hey y/n, what is your favorite song?", she screamed. That's hard, y/n didn't really have one. "I don't really have one, why don't you suggest your favorite song?", she replied. The chicken got really excited: "REALLY?", she asked. "Yes go ahead.", y/n said. 'Damn that was cute.', she thought. Suddenly the song Superstar started blasting through the room. "Come my superstar, dance with me.", Chica said while grabbing y/n's arm. Together they danced to the song. The DJ noticed something between them, something beautiful. He suddenly started playing a slow song, this one being the song 'So This Is Love' from Cinderella. The girls were confused for a second, but eventually kept dancing together. It was such a beautiful sight to see. 


Hiya sorry for the short chapter, I am having troubles concentrating on writing, my neighbours are holdin a party haha. Anyways I think this is a cute way of ending this chapter. I will see you all later.

Lots of love,

Luna <3

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