1. Samantha

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The plane took off from Columbus on time and I was really nervous. Mark and Carol had promised they'd be at the airport when I landed, but what if the plane landed at a different terminal? And what if I couldn't find my luggage? And what if they got the time wrong?

The flight crew kept checking on me, and one of the crew members seemed to make it her job to make sure I was okay.

Did I make a mistake going to England?  I already missed my family. Rosie looked so sad as I walked away. And Dad. Dad looked miserable. Mom looked both nervous and excited. The whole way to the airport she'd talked about the things Mark and Carol had planned for the summer.  I know I'm going to have fun, but I miss Mom and Dad and Rosie already.

The flight crew is really nice though, and they keep bringing me Diet Coke and checking if I want a snack or anything. I'm the only kid travelling alone in first class, which is really weird. The guy beside me keeps looking at me like I don't belong here. Maybe I don't, but that's the ticket Dad bought me. I don't care. I'm keeping to myself, listening to music and trying not to think about what'll happen when we land.

At some point during the flight I fell asleep, because I was being woken up to have a meal. Airline food sucks in general, but this was okay.

Haha!  I say that like I've been flying around the world my whole life. I've flown exactly four places. Iceland for Dad's video shoot, California for spring break last year, Buffalo to meet up with Dad and Uncle Josh last summer and England last spring. And the Buffalo flight didn't have a meal.

After we ate, Mr. Businessman next to me frowned at me again for whatever reason, and went back to his thrilling looking paper "the Financial Times".

I put my music back on and curled up in my seat to sleep a little more. It's a long flight and kind of boring. And the movies sucked.

The best part about sleeping on a flight is it goes that much faster.  A flight attendant woke me up to get ready to land. I put my Switch back in my bag, made sure anything else I took out was away, and sat my seat back up and redid my seatbelt.

Mr. Businessman cleared his throat at me and frowned again. I wanted to ask him what his problem was but, well, he's a stranger and all that.

"Young lady," he said to me in a gruff tone.

"Um, yes?" I said timidly.

"I must say that I was unimpressed I was sat beside a child for this flight. I prefer my space. But I found you to be rather well behaved. Your parents have clearly raised you well. I hope whatever your reason for travelling alone, you enjoy yourself," he said.

I was a little stunned.

"Um, thank you?" I said, still timidly.

"You be sure to tell whomever is picking you up on this end, and your parents when you return home, that you are a decent seat companion," he smiled. He looked really nice when he smiled.

"Thank you, sir," I smiled back. "I will."

"May I ask why you're travelling alone?"

How long was this flight that he's just now asking?

"I'm visiting my aunt and uncle in London for part of the summer," I answered.

"How lovely. You enjoy your stay."

"I will, thanks," I said, as the plane touched down on the runway and pulled up to our gate. The flight attendant told me to stay in my seat while the other first class passengers got off, because then I'd meet my escort once they were off and before the rest of the plane deplaned.

"Once again, enjoy your stay in our beautiful country," Mr. Businessman said as he took his briefcase and a small suitcase with from the overhead compartment.

I smiled at him and thanked him. What a weird encounter, I thought to myself.

Once most of the First Class passengers were off the plane, the flight attendant came to get me to get off as well. I grabbed my backpack and followed her to the door. Just outside was a lady in the same uniform waiting.

"Good morning. You must be Samantha," she smiled at me. I nodded.

"I'm Teresa and I'm your escort until you find your family. Let's go get your luggage and get you through customs, shall we?"

I nodded and followed her. The flight crew said goodbye as we left and the rest of the passengers started deplaning.

"Did you have a good flight?" Teresa asked me.

"Yes, thank you," I said.

"Good," she smiled. "This way."

I followed her down an escalator and through a hallway with the other passengers. First I had to go through customs so Teresa made sure I had my passport and baggage claim ticket ready, which was in a pouch around my neck with my unaccompanied minor tag.

"Country of residence?" The customs man asked.

"Uh, America," I said.

"Purpose of your visit?"

"I'm visiting my aunt and uncle."

"Length of visit?"


"How long will you be in England?" He asked.

"Oh. Uh, about a month?" I said.

"Are you bringing any firearms, tobacco, plants, food, animals, alcohol or fireworks?"

"Um, no?" I said, sounding more like I was asking him.

"Are you sure?" He asked me, peering at me.

"Yes?" I said.

He peered at me some more.

"Enjoy your stay," he said, after stamping my passport and baggage ticket and handing them back to me.

"I'm 15," I said to Teresa, as we headed to the baggage claim. "Where would I get alcohol or guns or fireworks?"

Teresa laughed.

"They're standard questions. Bedsides maybe your parents packed them for you to give to your relatives."


Teresa laughed again.

"No, alcohol or tobacco or food.  Some people send them as gifts," she said.

"Weird," I said, as we entered the hall where all the baggage would be coming.

Teresa stood with me at the carousel and when the luggage started coming out, she helped me identify my bags and put them on a cart for me. I pushed the cart as Teresa led me out into the arrivals hall where hopefully Mark and Carol were waiting for me.

I saw them as soon as the doors opened. They had huge smiles on their faces and Benji and Emma were with them. They came running up to me and we hugged. I felt a lot better now that I knew I wasn't going to get left in the airport.

Teresa said goodbye to me and I thanked her.

Mark took my cart and we headed out to their car talking about the flight and plans for the summer.

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