25. Tyler

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Samantha recovered pretty quickly from her seizure and ate her breakfast with gusto. She was certainly hungry.

We decided to spend the day at home in the pool, and invited Josh and Debby and Jim.

We spent the day swimming and tanning and talking. Samantha was excited to start high school in a couple of weeks and we started making plans to do her school shopping.

Josh and Debby stayed for dinner and we barbecued.

After dinner, Sam took a shower and changed into her pyjamas.

We all sat inside. Around 10, Sam declared she was tired and went to bed after saying goodnight to us all.

Josh and Debby left around 11 and I went upstairs to check on Samantha. She was in bed, curled up, her fist under her chin, sleeping, and snoring just the tiniest bit, and there was a smile on her face. Which made me smile.

Jenna came up and poked her head in as I pulled Sam's blanket up over her shoulder.

"She's smiling," Jenna whispered.

"Yeah," I whispered back. "I love it because it makes me think she feels safe."

"Agreed," Jenna said.

Sam muttered something in her sleep, frowned and then rolled over.

We went and looked in on Rosie, who was fast asleep with her bum in the air, and went on to our own bedroom.

We chatted for a little while before falling asleep.

In the morning, I got up and left Jenna sleeping. I could hear Rosie babbling in her room and nothing from Samantha's.

It was only 8, so I wasn't too concerned. I looked in on her anyway. She was still asleep, splayed out across her bed, and still snoring just a bit. It was kind of cute.

I closed her door as I left and went across to Rosie's room.

"Dada!" She smiled as I came in.

"Good morning Rosie Ro," I said, picking her up and taking her over to the change table and getting her into a clean diaper.

"Who's hungry?" I asked her.

"SaSa!" Rosie laughed.

"Samantha is still sleeping. Does Rosie want breakfast?"

"Ummm num!" Rosie squealed.

"I thought so," I smiled. I put her in her high chair with some baby cookies that pretty much just melt, while I scrambled her some eggs and made some oatmeal baby cereal.

I made myself eggs while I waited for Rosie's to cool down.

I poured myself coffee and brought everything to the table.

I fed Rosie while I ate my own breakfast.

Jenna came downstairs a little while later and poured herself coffee.

"Sam's not up yet?" She asked.

"Nope," I said. "I checked on her. She's fine."

"I did too," Jenna said. "And yes, she is fine."

"Do you want anything? I made Rosie and I scrambled eggs."

"Mmm. Not just now," she said, sipping her coffee.

There was thudding on the stairs. At first I thought maybe Samantha had fallen. I got up and looked and it was just Samantha stepping down very hard as she rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Good morning sunshine," I said.

Samantha stopped, looked up and smiled.

"Good morning, papa," she laughed.

"I made Rosie scrambled eggs. Are you hungry?"

"Mmm. Kinda. But I'm not in the mood for eggs," she said. "I'll just have cereal."

She got herself a bowl and spoon, milk and a box of cereal.

"Breakfast of champions," she smiled, as she pulled out Froot Loops. I watched her calculate and dose before she poured the cereal and milk.

"Can I go over to Jill's today?" She asked. "She invited me over to swim."

"Sure," I said. "What time? I'll drive you over."

"Eleven? For lunch," she said.

"Okay. Are you staying for dinner?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe?" She said.

"Okay. Let us know as soon as you know," I said. Sam nodded.

We chatted a little as Sam ate her breakfast. Rosie kept blowing raspberries at Sam and Sam returned the favour by showing Rosie her chewed up cereal.

"Lovely, Samantha," I said. "Very colourful."

Samantha grinned at me. We couldn't help but laugh.

Once she was done eating, Sam put her bowl away, then went upstairs to change and get ready to go to her friend's.

She came back downstairs looking a little nervous.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"What if I have another seizure there?"

"Well, Jill and her family know what to do. Jill knows about your seizures now, so she won't get mad, and they'll call us if necessary."

"Okay," Sam said. "Okay. Right."

I smiled. She was starting to learn how to talk herself down.

Once Sam was sure she had everything she looked needed or wanted, I got my car keys and drove her over.

"Excited to see Jill?" I asked

"Yeah," Sam smiled. "I missed her."

"I bet," I said. "She called when you were first expected home, hoping you'd be coming home soon."

Sam smiled.

We pulled up to Jill's house and Samantha bounded into the house. Jill met her part way and the two girls squealed when they met.

"Bye, Dad!" Sam called out and waved. "I'll call you or text you later!"

I waved back and backed out of the driveway.

I smiled as I drove back home. Just thrilled to have my daughter home.

When I got home, there was a car parked at the bottom of my driveway. A man got out as I pulled up.

"Mr Joseph?" He asked as I out my window down.

"Yeah?" I said.

He handed me an envelope.

"You've been served," he said and got back in his car.

"Served?" I said, looking at the envelope. "By who?"

I drove up to the house and opened the envelope as I walked into the house. Jenna and Rosie were in the living room.

"That bastard!" I shouted.

"Tyler!" Jenna said, surprised.

"What is it?" She asked getting up and coming over.

"It's from Mark. He's suing us for custody of Samantha!"

The London Paradigm (book 4 of Adopted by the Josephs)Where stories live. Discover now