33. Samantha

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"Alright kiddo," Dad said. "You done breakfast?"

"Yep," I said.

"Good. Give your sister a kiss and let's roll," Dad said.

"See you later, Rosie Ro!" I said, kissing her head.

"SaSa!" Rosie said, and waved by opening and closing her little fist.

"Sam, you'll sit in the back, okay?" John said.

"Kill it, String Bean," Uncle Josh said.

He and Aunt Debby had come over to sort of be a support on my first day of school, while the media shit storm was still raging. We were still waiting to hear if the courts were going to hear the case.

I gave them hugs and then Dad, John and I left. Mom followed us outside.

"You're going to be fine," she said to me. "But if there's a problem or you get overwhelmed, you call us and John and Dad, or me, will come get you, okay?"

I nodded and glanced down the driveway where the press was camped out. I sighed.

Mom wrapped me in a tight hug.

"I love you to bits, Samantha Joseph, and I'm gonna miss you being home all day. Be good," she said, kissing my head.

"I'm always good," I winked. Mom smiled.

"You're going to be fine. We'll see you at three."

I got into the back of Dad's car and slumped down as low as I could. John got in the passenger seat.

The high school wasn't too far from the house. I could probably walk it, too, if it wasn't for Mark stirring up this mess.

Dad started down the driveway and I put my knapsack up against the window. The press surrounded the car and were shouting questions and taking pictures. I kept my face hidden in my bag and my bag up against the window.

Soon, I felt the car speed up.

"Alright, Sam. You can sit up and relax. They're behind us."

I sat up and looked behind. I saw a few running to cars, likely to chase me to school.

Dad pulled up in front of the school right by the front doors. I saw the principal outside. As well as Jill, Blaine, Patricia and Morgan. Sure enough, there was press across from the school. I rolled my eyes.

John stepped out of the car and stood outside my door. I opened it and got out. Jill came rushing over.

"Hey. You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said, looking across the parking lot.

"You're going to be fine, baby cakes," Dad smiled at me. John smiled at me, too.

"Just call us if you need, okay?" John said, offering a fist bump.  I returned it and smiled at him. He looked uncomfortable in the suit he was wearing. And really out of place and conspicuous.

The principal came up to me and led me into the school.

"Samantha," she said. "I'm sorry you're dealing with all of this. We've spoken with your parents and your security. We have security here at the school and they've been briefed, too. We went to the police and got an order that press is not allowed within fifty feet of campus. So across the road is as close as they can get.

Your teachers have also all been apprised of the situation, and you can go to any of them if you need. Or come to the office and talk with me, or Mr. Smith. Or even just hide out if you need.

The London Paradigm (book 4 of Adopted by the Josephs)Where stories live. Discover now