49. Tyler

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Custody Trial Begins
Josephs, Solman meet for first time in court

COLUMBUS - The trial between Tyler and Jenna Joseph and Mark Solman, for custody of the Joseph's adopted daughter begins today in a Columbus Family Court.

The Josephs adopted Samantha two years ago after her late father's rights were terminated in a case that made national headlines at the time.

Believing there were no living blood relatives for the teen, Social Services cleared the way for the teenager to be adopted by the rockstar and his wife.

Last year, the family was shocked to find out that Samantha had an uncle living in England, when he came to the family's home.

Since then, the family encouraged the teen to get to know her family as Solman stated he had no intention of disrupting the teen's life.

After a summer visit, Solman did just that, by petitioning the court to hear the case under exigent circumstances.

Since being adopted by the Josephs, the teenager has reportedly been thriving, and healing from the abuse she grew up with with her biological father, the late Stanley Deitz.

A spokesperson for the family has said that Samantha has grown exponentially from a timid girl to a self-assured, independent young woman with a talent for music and basketball. The source states that Samantha has become a leader among her peers, has made friends among her schoolmates and has learned to properly handle her diabetes, which her biological father denied her the opportunity to do, as he rationed her life-saving medications.

The trial is entering Day 1.

Samantha was, understandably, nervous the morning of the trial.

"I'd rather go to school and have a pop quiz in Math than go to court today," she said.

"I know, baby. And I'm going to warn you now. There will be a ton of press. John's coming with us."

"And we'll be there with you, too," Brendon said, hugging my daughter. They'd arrived a week ago and were staying with us. Zack and Kala were staying with Josh and Debby.

"I know. I'd still rather take a pop quiz in math while having a root canal under no anaesthesia."

"But tell me how you really feel," Brendon said, smiling.

"Come on, Sam. Eat up," I said. "I know you're probably not that hungry but you need to eat."

She nodded and pushed her eggs around some more.

"Sam, finish up," Jenna said, breezing through the kitchen. She was giving Sarah instructions to take care of Rosie, who was too young to come to court with us.

"Can't Rosie go in my place and I'll stay with Aunt Sarah?"

Brendon laughed. Sarah smacked him playfully on the arm.

"Sorry kiddo. No dice."

Sam managed to choke down some more breakfast and cleaned her plate. She grabbed her school bag because she expected to do some homework.

We piled into the car and headed to the courthouse.

As soon as we got there Samantha's breath caught. Brendon put his arm around her.

I pulled into the underground parking where Mr. Greyson said he'd meet us. I parked and Greyson was at the door.

"Good morning. Samantha, you ready?"

She shrugged. I had a feeling she was going to be very quiet today. I worried just a little.

We went into the courthouse and up to the courtroom to wait to go in. Press was in the hallway and came running as soon as they saw us.

Brendon and John stepped in front of Sam and kept her from being seen. Questions were being thrown at us.

"Tyler, how is Samantha feeling today?"

"Tyler, can we see Samantha?"

"Samantha, do you have anything to say?"

Mr. Greyson stepped out in front of us.

"I would like to remind you all that my client's daughter is a minor and a perimeter has been set that you are violating. Any questions for my clients can be directed to me. And at this time my only comment on behalf of the family is 'No Comment'," he turned away and brought us all into a small group. Brendon was holding Samantha who seemed okay.

Finally we were able to enter the courtroom. Greyson sat at the table and directed me and Sam to sit beside him. Jenna sat in a chair just behind our table. Samantha took some of her homework out to try to work on during the trial today.

She froze as soon as Mark walked into the courtroom. Jenna leaned forward and rubbed her arm. I put my arm around her.

"You're fine," I whispered to her.

He smiled and waved at Sam as he sat down. The audacity. I looked back at Sam, who was frowning.

The court was called to order and irritatingly, I could hear the sound of cameras going off in the gallery.

"This court is called to order," the bailiff said. "The Honorable Judge Erin Pearson presiding."

We stood while the judge came into the courtroom and then she motioned us to sit.

"Your honor, case file 20-1876-J. Mark Solman v. Tyler and Jenna Joseph in the matter concerning Samantha Joseph, a minor."

"Thank you. I've read the case file and I've read the report from the court psychologist. I fail, honestly, to understand why this was allowed to be heard considering this adoption was finalized two years ago. I don't see the value in disrupting this young girl's life, however, I have agreed to hear this case and I will render a judgement in the best interests of Samantha, based on testimony from both parties. Mr. Greyson, it is, as always, a pleasure to see you in my courtroom. Ms. Tanner, I think this might be only the second or third time I've seen you here, but I look forward to working with you as well. Mr. Greyson, you may proceed."

"Thank you, Your Honor. As you know, Samantha Joseph is 15. Until she was 13, she lived with her father, the late Stanley Deitz. And until she was eight, that family included her mother, Janet Deitz, neé Solman, sister to the petitioner, Mr. Solman.

Samantha, until she was 13, knew nothing but abuse at the hands of her late father. Psychological and physical abuse. He was upset she had been born a girl. He blamed her for Janet's hemorrhage and subsequent hysterectomy meaning she could no longer have children. Meaning Stanley Deitz would not get the son he truly desired.

On the evening of October 7, two years ago, Samantha had had enough of the abuse and ran from her home ultimately winding up in the back yard of Tyler and Jenna Joseph. Samantha did not know the Josephs prior to running to their home and had only scaled their back fence to escape her father's rage."

Greyson continued telling the story of how Samantha came into our lives and what she's endured throughout and since.

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