Ch. 5 Royal Sibling

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Black Egret Base -Friday- 10:30 am

After nearly a month in the Canopy Kingdom Pistol understands its history with the last skullgirl of it being the queen, that of course being Queen Nancy and the disappearance of King Franz.

Also learning the origins of the skullheart and its deadly curse. Then finally about the grand war between the Gigan nation and the Chess Kingdom.

With also learning about Parasites that are beings that attach themselves to people giving them powers in exchange of nutrients from their host or the person who are they attached too.

And including living weapons which are weapons that have unique abilities like Parasoul's parasol able to spew out flammable napalm.

Pistol finally got a working mechanical arm that nearly looks like an actual arm. Which is scary how accurate Roxie made it so accurate. But she said it was just artificial skin attached to a metallic bone arm. The metallic joints can rotate and pop-off so that the hand won't break that easily.

Pistol has gained even more confidence over the 4 weeks of training. Pistol was strangely determined to be as a soldier and trained even though the Parasoul said, that he can stop. But he didn't stop, he was still training hard waking up 4 in the morning and sleeping 9 in the night.

He trained by shooting at the range, running laps around the camp, even forcing himself to be blind folded then be stuck in the forest alone to find the Black Egret base while being lost. Which he did in mere hours and still keeps doing it until today. Like he was another person.

After that some soldiers in Pistol's team are childishly bullying Pistol for competing and gaining respect for Parasoul. Parasoul always seems to be impressed by him making new designs for military vehicles and weapons. Of course, he also impressed Roxie with weird concepts of modifying current weaponry.

So, some soldiers dip his uniform in white dye before roll call. Of course, some soldiers try to stop this from happening but fail. When all of the Pistol team go out to roll, call for all the soldiers to assemble in a line.

Which Pistol must also do but he overslept then woke up realizing what time it was. He gets his now white uniform which he gives to Jaxson to change the look of it by replacing certain details with his suit. Better adapt to the consequences than not, I guess.

He gets out of the bunker seeing Parasoul is inspecting her fully trained troops with Adam, Molly, Roxie and Panzerfaust following her.

She looks at a white Black Egret troop that resembles a sailor. If she even has her own navy which she doesn't. Seeing Pistol in his sailor outfit with a white version of the Black Egret Uniform.

Pistol: Hey sis! How do you like my new outfit?

Parasoul: looks good on you.

Pistol: Well, I do look like I belong in the navy!

Panzerfaust: Comrade you look so flamboyant.

Pistol: is that a bad thing or good thing?

Panzerfaust: It's a good thing for wooing the ladies. Up top! *High five with Pistol*

Pistol: Oh, wait can I not keep it?

Adam: It looks good but unfortunately, we have to replace-

Parasoul: I'll make an exception you can wear it but under one condition.

Adam: Okay, nevermind...

Pistol: I'm listening.

Parasoul: You have to be in the castle as our Onii-Chan (Older Brother) I..I mean as our royal brother-figure for me and my sister.

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