Chapter 1

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(Chapter 1)
-not edited at all

I write a lot, so this book may be about 150/200 chapters.

I just want to warn you guys, this may be the cringiest book you ever lay eyes on.

Thank you.



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''I hope all your soons, turn finally."

Luminaries winked at each other like sparkling jewels and glories, the moon staring down at earth in fixation and pity.

It was one gradient black night with the rain pouring down like an endless cascade and the storm rumbling. The Potters were nervous and when I say nervous I mean:

The Potter House In Godric Hollow Pov:

Lily was shaking in dread, anxiety surging in through her veins. She didn't want anything to happen to her children -especially Harry. Just 1 month after Harry and his sister Pandora were born, Harry was known as the boy in the prophecy.
"The Chosen one."
Everyone knew that Voldemort was after them and it left an uneasy feeling inside Lily. On the other hand, James was too busy trying to make Pandora sleep. James loved both Harry and Pandora dearly. Pandora had short strawberry-blonde hair with striking emerald eyes and sun-kissed skin with freckles. She was not even 5 months old and was breathtakingly beautiful. On the other hand, Harry had dark raven hair with green, piercing emerald eyes.

Voldemort was envisioned in a couple of days however, the Potters were skeptical if that was true. Newly ,James was thinking about how Harry and Pandora will grow up in trepidation, a vociferous bang reverberated across the cottage. In dread, he shot up and ran towards the door to see the thing he feared the most. He was their, The most powerful wizard of all times had arrived...

James swiftly ran up the stairs to see Lily trying to assemble Harry to sleep while Pandora was still grieving her mothers arms. Out of breath, James held onto the door handle, his hands gripping it in atrocity and trepidation, "Quickly protect Harry and Pandora while I try to oppose him off!" Lily frantically nodded while still hushing Harry to sleep. Just as James was going to go downstairs the door of the room flared open and stood Voldemort, his dark cloak covering his features. He quickly stunned James while going close to Lily and the two infants. Lily quickly went over and stood in front of Harry.

"Take her, take Pandora, not my baby Harry!!" James on the other hand was on the floor in pain. He couldn't believe the words coming out of Lily's insolence. He was perplexed.

Voldemort came here for his Schemes, he didn't come for Harry, he had a trick up his sleeve and was about to do something that affected the wizarding world in so manu ways. He had come to make sure she was safe, but he did have a trick up his sleeve. Although he knew these buffoons weren't the best parents, he didn't know Lily would give up her daughter that easily. He was furious, he even heard Pandora mourning in her crib silently at her mother's pathetic words.

He swiftly stunned lily and walked towards Harry, his deep blue eyes piercing through Harry's.

Voldemort quickly casted a spell at Harry that formed a scar on his head. Then he made the Potters think that he tried killing Harry but failed. This news was going to spread a lot, but it was worth it. Everything will be clarified, Pandora will be known as a normal girl like usual and she actually may trust him and not see him as her great enemy. And with that, he left the Potters Cottage. That night was a noteworthy piece of Wizarding World History, which many will overlook.

Dumbledore was informed about the attack the following morning. He was dead sick and uneasy. After he was told Harry was safe he instantly relaxed. He soon was Told Harry had the scar, so he officially informed the wizarding world Harry was the chosen one.

A couple of days later in the Potters Cottage:

"Lily where's Pandora? I can't find her, you didn't give her breakfast yet did you? James said walking outside of the kitchen, his eyes in deep concern.

"I gave her to my sister and my brother-in-law, they could look after her, we need to concentrate on Harry, "Lily replied calmly and serenely, her eyes not even looking back once.

James laughed.

"Good joke, now where is she?"
He asked, his blue eyes staring at her.

"Oh come on James, she was not that important as my tot Harry anyways"

Silence echoed throughout the cottage.


"You heard me, I won't repeat myself again."
Lily replied

James did not look like his old self, his eyes darkened and his hand clenched into a fist as he tried to calm down.

"Lily, why did you do such thing without asking me?!"

"You were busy-"

James looked at Lily in hatred and wrath, anger bubbling through his veins.

"Where is she?! I'm leaving to find her!"

"To be honest, you can't find her, not even I know the exact location, you stay here with me and Harry or you don't see any of your children"
Lily smirked smugly.

From that day on James tried searching for Pandora but he couldn't find her, so he stayed with Harry. He knew he would never forgive Lily ever again. He would never show her his affectionate side either, only to Harry.

At the Dursleys:

Knocks echoed throughout the 2 floored houses, Dudley's screeches and cries echoing throughout the corridors.

Petunia rushed over and opened the front door, looking around to see no one.

She heard this soft breathing beneath her to see a beautiful baby looking at her with the familiar green captivating eyes.

Astonishment encircled her perky features. She quietly wished for it to be a girl, but she tucked that thought out of her head when she saw a letter, with familiar handwriting, she hated the person who wrote the letter with her guts. Either way, she was curious so she opened it:

Dear Petunia,

I am writing this letter to give you my daughter Pandora Ivy Potter, do what you please with her just don't bring her near me and my family.


Yours sincerely

Lily Potter.

Petunia inhaled, she invariably yearned for a daughter but... it's Lily's, she could never treasure and cherish something that is from Lily and her supplementary Freakish husband. Just as she was about to slam the door, her husband Vernon Dursley walked towards her. "Darling, what's going on?"
"There's a baby here, I think it's hers..."
Petunia said in a ashamed tone.
Realization covered his features.
"Bring her in, we could make her do the cleaning and stuff" and with that 12 words, Pandora's life became a nightmare.

How Was as my first chapter?
I hope you like it 💓

1158 words,

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