Chapter 98

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Rays of sun illuminated across the bedroom, Pandora Ivy yawned as sauntering across to her balcony, observing the sunrise, a soft warm wave of wind hushing her as her green eyes surveyed the area

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Rays of sun illuminated across the bedroom, Pandora Ivy yawned as sauntering across to her balcony, observing the sunrise, a soft warm wave of wind hushing her as her green eyes surveyed the area. Tom had insisted she spent the Summer holidays with him in the Malfoy Manor even though she didn't want to stay with the Malfoys.But here she was. She reviewed the time, her eyes fatigued as these days she scarcely acquired an ounce of respite.

It was 6:03.

Lately, everything was like a fairytale, from cute dialogues with the dark lord to even invites for dinner with him. Yes, you read that right. Dinner with the dark lord. The thought made Pandora squirm in delight, her heart racing rapidly as she looked at the delicate dainty ring on her finger. She had to talk to him about who was going to be the victim for her 3rd Horcrux. Ivy strolled to her shower, opening the faucet for cold water that would certainly alert her for the day, pouring down luxurious velvety bath gels and soap for an exquisite smell. It was her last year left in Hogwarts and that bothered her. It was the only place she ever considered home. Time had passed so quickly and it was starting to make her panic. Dusting her thoughts away, Ivy washed her vanilla-scented shampoo out her brunette locks out of her hair.

After her shower, Ivy got dressed in a black dress with patterns alongside the skirt area. She brushed her locks and secured them with a spell. A knock bombarded her door, Pandoras face shifting into confusion as she wasn't expecting anyone and breakfast was in 1 hour.

Ivy rushed to the oak door, cautiously opening it.

Draco Malfoy.

Pandora reached for her wand.

"We need to talk."
A soft silence echoed throughout the room, Ivy starting at him in hatred.
Before she slammed the door on his face, he pushed it open
"It wasn't a question Ivy."He huffed.
"Just tell me." Ivy glared, so much hatred bubbling within her she felt like crucioing him.
"He's planning a war, Ivy, run."
Pandora's eyes widened, her face striking.
"What do you mean?!"
Was not only Pandora mad, but she was confused. If Tom was planning a war, she'd be in it, right?
Footsteps echoed behind Draco, a wand slowly creeping up.

Pandora huffed, her eyes in horror as she suddenly moved away.

The dark Lords eyes were Auburn, his face scrunched in fury and bitterness. "Tom!" Pandora yelped, attempting to construct him to halt as he was accumulating carried away.
"Ivy leave." Snarled the dark lord, his orbs fiery in pure fury.
"But Tom-" Riddle swiftly grabbed Pandora, trying not to hurt her as he pulled her aside. "Please my darling, I need to sort this out." His harsh voice became soft and melodic, his Auburn eyes sofenting as his complexion became less tense. Ivy looked at him in protest. "Pandora please."
An endless silence engulfed them, Ivy looking at him before she felt like she had enough of their inconsequential frolickings.
"Fine then." Ivy sauntered off, constantly glimpsing back.
As much as she hated draco, she didn't want anything bad to happen now. She needed to hear the rest of what he was going to say to her.


Time for dinner came but Tom still hadn't came into sight, she felt her heart ache in worry at what may had happened to him. Bellatrix lestrange and Corbin yaxley sat in the corner of the table, Lucius strolling around in curiosity.
"Sit down, eh lucius, no point in wondering around like a headless chicken." Corbin Yaxley mockingly rebervated as he slivered through the fresh meat on his porcelain plating that was doused and drenched in gravy. Ivy just eyed the two, picking on the asparagus settled out on her plate, knowing that Lucius was going to have a little toddler tantrum. "Headless chicken?!" Lucius chuckled, his bleak blue eyes piercing through Yaxley. "Are you serious? The dark lord is up there with that excuse of a son!" Lucius Baffled. He was proper in a manner. Think of it. Your idiotic son kept on stitching on everybody, creating so much trouble that could possibly get him killed. Ivy merely sat there in stillness and serenity, knowing it wasn't her moment to blab on or lecture about the situation.

Ivy seated down, her plate suddenly disappearing into a sticky toffee pudding with custard. Yaxley appeared unbothered by everything and scooped some dessert into his mouth, closing his eyes to the delectable, delicious taste of chocolate goodness. Footsteps echoed from behind Pandora, Lucius rushing to his seat and standing up in respect,  Bellatrix swiftly grabbing a spoon from the table, looking at herself in the reflection, ensuring that she looked presentable as she eyed Pandora in envy, a secret blazing fire in her.

"M'lord." Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix, Yaxley, Lucius and Pandora Ivy recited in admiration and esteem with respect. Pandora's eyes connecting with The dark lords like a magnet, both like a still statue, their hearts on fire. Riddle sat down at the head of the table, clearing his throat as everybody sat back down. His aura so dark yet so catchy, so powerful yet so influential. "M'lord." Everyones eyes latched upon Lucius, fear bubbling throughout them as they knew, the probability of this finale sufficiently was very inadequate. The dark lord looked at Lucius in a mockingly manner, his threatening gaze looming over his little puppets. "What now, you idiot." Toms's harsh voice boomed throughout the feed plateau. "I was wondering, what did Draco do, m'lord." His voice quietly squeaked.
"Are you willing to embarrass yourself?" Tom said, his eyes darkening in anger as he tried to calm his rage down, after all, he didn't want his Pandora to leave."
"No m'lord." Shivered Lucius Malfoy. "Don't answer back to our lord!" Bellatrix Lestrange squeaked, clearly making an endeavour to be deemed as valuable in the Dark lords eye.

Let's just say that dinner didn't end as... well.


The following days had enacted with a charming Riddle, from fresh floral blossoms with prudent scents and fetching pigments and tints to late-night discussions with the dark lord. Currently, Ivy was on the 5th floor, her paintbrush smudging classical hues and tints around the canvas, and a midnight black sky with little gem-like stars and a milky moon sat on the corner of the portrait. She noticed the ring Tom had caringly gifted her glide across the paintbrush, it's little pure paltry diamonds rowed across the metallic ring, the milky azure diamond sapphire sat silently, hearing the fire crackle and roar behind her, turning the wood into ashes. She heard footsteps echo behind her, her hand coming to a halt as she stopped painting. A delicate soft kiss was placed on her cheek by the dark lord, Ivy's countenance morphing into a jaw-dropping smile as she breathed in his intoxicating citrus scent. "Hello, Tom." Ivy's moss-green eyes twinkled as they looked back at the powerful man behind her. His reflection sitting in her light eyes. "Hello, darling." His voice reverbated across the room as he sat down next to her, his Auburn eyes scanning the portrait. "It's beautiful my love." He smiled, his dimples evident. The dark lord slowly grabbed a slightly smaller, tighter paintbrush and added a lighter shadow to the moon, with delicacy. His other hand softly intertwined with hers, their warmth connecting them, both hearts racing wildly as electric sparks enacted through them.

A man with charm was a deadly, dangerous thing.


Not edited.
Won't be able to update for a month :(

With lots of love,


1287 words.

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