your a genius

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Disclaimer:this chapter contains swear words

It was the next day and we we're all hanging out at the chateau.
Y/n's outfit:

"That was epic

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"That was epic." Pope said "did you see kelce's face?" JB asked
"Bomb drop" jj yelled while jumping on the couch and breaking it.
"Another brocken couch" i said
"You gotta sleep there, you know" pope said
"I always sleep there. Hey. Well, hello" jj said as sarah walked in.
"What's up?" Kie asked
"Shouldn't you be on figure eight?" John b asked
"With your little group of polo players?" I asked
"Or did you break up with topper?" John b asked

"We're just friends" she finally spoke
"He's just a friend. You have a lot of friends, sarah cameron." John b said
"Yeah, it seems like you've got some of your own too." She snapped at him.
"All right, what are you doing here?" JB asked
"I'm here for pope." She answered.
We all gave each other and her a confused look.
"I think i found the island room." She said making us all quickly get up.

{Fast Foward}

We we're all in the van and pope said
"Guys, listen to this. The diary says the cross holds the most relic in all of christendom, the garment of the savior." He said while reading out a page of denmark Tanny's diary.
"So wait, he saying there's holy garment inside the cross?" Kie answered
"Yeah. It says the garment is capable of healing the sick from any malady." Pope answered
"Mmm, yeah. " if only i may touch his garment, i shall be made well. What? I went to sunday school" he explained because we all gave him confused looks.
"Sure" kie said

"You?" I asked
"Yeah" he answered
"Well, that explains why Limbrey would want the cross so bad. She thinks it can heal her." Pope said
"Stupid bitch" i whispered
"What else does it say?" Kie asked
"Many feel that we have sinned to steal such a sacred thing, and got will strike his vengeance on us." Pope kept reading
"Thing is, god didn't have his vengeance." Kie said
"He sent a hurricane to sink the ship. Only denmark survived." Pope said

[Fast Foward]

We finally arrived at the Cameron's house to see the island room.
We we're walking through the hallways that sarah said lead to the room.
"This place still freaks me out." John b said
"Yeah, same" jj said in agreement.
We went into the room and all of the wallpaper had been ripped of and there were drawings of obx everywhere.
"It's been here this whole time" sarah said
"No freaking way" john b said amazed
"This definitely means something " JJ said
"Holy shit" i said while looking around
"This is incredible " pope said
"Yo, this is a map of the whole island." JB said
"Damn and in a lot of those places me and y/n have fucke-" i cut him off by putting my hand against his mouth. He got the message so i took my hand off.
"Yeah, john b, i think your right because this is Rixon's right there. And then, there's the lighthouse." JJ said while pointing somewhere
"Guys, look, parcel 9 and the well." Kie said
"So, if that's parcel 9, and then that's Rixon's , then that's gotta be the surf break at Mase." JB said while pointing at a bunch of drawings.
"Right. And look. Pope, xome here. This is denmark's writting for sure." JJ said while holding up the page of the diary in front of the drawing in the wall.
""The drawings, they match up." Pope said
"Holy shit.." john b said
"Denmark, you genius! These are all his drawings. He... he painted this entire room." Pope said while looking around
"Yeah, question is why. What's he trying to tell us?" Kie asked
"I don't know" i answered
"It's gotta have something to do with the key, right? Right?" JJ asked
"Yeah, but what?" I asked
"How did you know to uncover this?" John b asked sarah
"I didn't, it was like this when i got home." Sarah answered
"What?" JJ asked
"Okay, then who did it?" Kie asked
"I don't know" she answered
"The freaks" we heard a girl say making us flinch and gasps.
We quickly turned around to see wheezie.
"You scared the shit out of us" i said
"Wait, what freaks are we talking about? Wheeze?" JJ asked
"Um.. that sick lady and her attack dog.
They... they showed up last night, and they wanted to talk to rafe." She answered
"Wait, pale blond ladie?" JJ asked
Wheezie noded
"Was the other man like... crusty?" I asked and she nodded
"She have crutches?" Kie asked
And wheezie said
"U-huh" while nodding
"It's gotta be Limbrey." Pope said.
"Okay, wh...what happened?" John b asked
"First, they searched the whole house looking for something, and then rafe told me to go upstairs. But i didn't wanna miss out, so i listened through the grate. And they were talking about getting across the sand flamingo." Wheezie answered
"That's code. That's code for something" JJ said
"The cross. The cross of santo domingo?" Pope asked
"Yeah, that's it. Oh, and they we're talking about angels. A lot of angel talk. I don't know" she said
"Angels?" Jb asked
"Guys, Denmark's famous last words. He burried the real treasure at the foot of the angel. They're looking for an angel. We have to find the angel in the room." Pope said
"Start looking" i said
"Spread out" kiara said.
We we're all yelling and looking around."hey, yo! Hey, guys, i think i found something. Come here" JJ yelled making us go silent
"This humongous tree is still on Goat island. You know what it's called?" He asked while pointing at a huge tree drawing.
"Angel oak" pope answered
"And look, right there. There's the keyhole" jj said.
I pulled him to side and said
"Your a genius " before kissing him on the lips.
I pulled away and he seemed to still be shocked and in his thoughts.
"Hey, loverboy. You good?" I asked
"Y..yeah. now i am" he said while smiling
Making me laugh lightly.
"That means the cross is burried at the foot of the angel. Wow, that must be where he put it. That must be where they are right now! We have to go!" Pope yelled
"I'm sherlock holmes, all right? You're welcome by the way." JJ said
"I'll thank you later" i said
"Yeah, hurry up, sherlock." John b said as we we're running outside.

Btw i think that I'm gonna make
A schedule for when to post.
Stay hydrated and
ILY bestie

Word count: 1121

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