chapter 1

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The lights were off in the daycare and moondrop was roaming around. Sundrop was hiding in his room due to his fear of the dark. Things have changed ,the whole afton family is back , the missing children still haunted William afton. Vanny and glitchtap still try to kill Gregory but luckily glitchtap can't control the other animatronics anymore. Even thing never changed. Moondrop was still misunderstood. He didn't mean to scare the children he just wanted them to follow the rules. Moondrop watched from above when the lights came on. He watched how Sundrop could easily play with the children where he could not

Sundrop pov

I noticed moondrop watching me from above. It must be awful for him he's always alone. I can't keep him company because the kids keep me busy and well I'm scared of the dark.i just wish there were someone who could be there for him....

No one pov.

It was a normal day at the daycare when the manager walked in with three people. Two were twins the boy twin were sunset colours well the girl twin wore sunrise colours but the girl that caught Sundrops attention was a girl who wore a bright coloured dress that shined in the light. She had perfectly clear skin and shiny blond hair which was held back by a sun shaped clip.

Sundrop pov.

I looked at the bright girl and felt my face heat up. She was beautiful... I didn't realize i was staring till she began to walk up to me. Oh no! What am I suppose to say. Think think!!! Before i could think of anything she was standing Infront of me.
"Hello there you must be the daycare attendent." She said.
"Yes i am new friends!" I said happily. She giggled.
"Maybe we should introduce ourselves"she said.
"Oh sorry I'm Sundrop!" I replied
She gave me a sweet smile
"My name is sunshine!" She told me.
"I'm dawn" the sunrise twin said.
"I'm dusk" the sunset twin said.
"Wow those are such great names!" I complemented them.
"Thanks we're your new assistants!" Sunshine said. I was beyond happy. But i didn't realize moondrop had heard everything.

Moondrop pov

Typical, they get him new assistants but their to scared to let anyone near me! I quickly went back to the daycare Naptime room mumbling to myself, but when i walked in i didn't expect to see a woman there. Her back was facing me and i got ready to attack. As soon as I pounded and got near the woman everything happened so fast and the next thing i knew i was pinned to the ground. I looked at the woman and was immediately mesmerized by her. She wore what looked to be skintight armour which had crescent moons on it. Her skin clear and her eyes black with silver pupils and she had silver hair with was tied up . She also had a Star clip in her hair. She looked fierce and it scared me a little but right now i was more angry than anything else.
"Who are you?!" I hissed at her
"Your new assistant genius" she replied.
"What i don't need an assistant!" I shouted back at her
"Don't care, I'm your assistant deal with it" she said and got off me. I sat up and glared at her.
" What's your name?" I asked harshly.
"Midnight" she said with a plain face. I growled.
"Go back to your friends"i told her.
"  Nah rather stay here" she said. She was really pissing me off

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