chapter 12

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Midnight pov

I was so angry. They had betrayed me. I had trusted them . They had caused me so much pain. I wanted revenge. I wanted them to suffer the same way i had. I followed them.... Any clue i got about them i would follow. I do not regret that part of my life because when i followed them.... I found others like myself. Sunshine... Dawn ... Dusk.... They were all killed like i was. My fury only grew. They hurt innocent people. I continued to chase them but my new friends couldn't keep up. I was selfish and i felt bad. I put my anger aside and i worked on finding a home for them. A place where they would be safe. Freddy fazbears wasn't the first but i was by far the best. They were happy here.... But my burning desire for revenge is coming back and i don't want my new friends to see it....

Sunshine pov

I was so close to switching on the generators when i saw moon run past. He had someone in his arms. I could only guess who it was.... Midnight. I couldn't switch on the lights.... It would hurt her. Shes been so good to us despite her mean act. She was scared and i knew why. She looked after us but no one had looked after her before. I had tried but it always went back to her caring for me. Im glad moons in her life. Maybe.... Just maybe he would be the one to look after her. I really hope so. They would be so cute together. Even sunny agrees

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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