chapter 4

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Midnight pov

Midnight got tired of sitting under the table. She teleported to the daycare naptime room. Moondrop wasn't there. She sighed and put her ear pods in and began to listen to Andy Grammer don't give up on me

She sighed again and a tear fell from her eyes. She quickly wiped them away not wanting to be weak....not again....not like she use to be before the betrayal.

Moondrop pov

I came back to the room and saw midnight wiping away her tears. Maybe...i judged her before i got to know her. I slowly and quietly went into the room. I put my hand on her shoulder and she quickly turned her head to me.
"Oh it's you....sorry if I disturbed you...

(Sorry it's short i have absolutely no time rn and things aren't so great here rn😕

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