chapter 10

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Midnight pov.

I sat thinking about what Moondrop did for me. He could have left me under that table but instead he helped me. This is something I'm not use to....I can't comprehend this.....

Moondrop pov

My actions had an impact on her and I know it. She seems abit more trusting  towards me and doesn't fight with me as much anymore. Sunshine was helping me alot. She knew midnight the best. It's seemed strange that she knew what she likes but didn't know exactly who she was or her past. Dusk had explained that they had once been human living normal lives...but they had all died in someway and their spirits hadn't gone to the after life...instead they took the forms they have now. Midnight's was the worst and it aften made her angry. The only thing I know from midnight is that she was betrayed. Some how I have to find out her past...then I'll be able to understand her.

(Hey I know it's short😅but do y'all want to know the other threes past

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