chapter 6

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3rd person pov

Weeks passed and the group stayed. Midnight was still distant from everyone. No matter how much they tried. Midnight and Moondrop fought alot. They just left her alone after a while. Moondrop didn't though, he didn't know why but he was so interested in why she was like this. In the few weeks he's known her he's noticed little things no one else has. How she softens her defense around sunshine, she acts angry towards everyone but has regret in her eyes. She wasn't being rude because she wanted to....there was a reason behind why she did it......

Midnight pov


It was raining on the roof....i know they were was always the same.....the same story over and over. I'm use to it now.......seeing how i was betrayed.....

Moondrop pov

Midnight and i were in the Naptime room . Midnight was sleeping but...she didn't look peaceful......she looked emotionless. I wonder what she was dreaming about....

Midnight pov

They had planned it....they lured me there knowing i trusted them. I turned back to looked at their faces...they were no longer masked.....the fake smile was replaced with a malicious grin. Their eyes no longer kind but evil. How i was a i was blind.... If only i had went to far...and now you regret it. You regret the day you killed me...but i didn't really die....i became a monster.....all because of you.

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