chapter 2

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Moondrop pov

This girl has to leave. I grabbed her wrist but she twisted my arm and threw me onto the ground.
"Fuck" i said as it hurt. I got up and glared at her.
" Why won't you just leave?" I said angry
"Well genius if you haven't noticed,I'm not normal, unlike my 'friends' i can't go walking around in the light " she said. "Now if you'll excuse me as your 'assistant' i have shit to do"
Midnight turned her back to me and went on to do her job.
"Fuck if your staying here there are rules. Don't annoy me and don't make a mess" i told her. She looked back at me and raised her eyebrow.
"Aren't i already cleaning mess made?" She asked. I was gonna reply but then i realized she was right. I growled.
"Whatever" i mumbled and went to lay on one bed and sleep.

Midnight pov

This moon guy was annoying. I looked over at him sleeping and pulled my tounge at him. I continue to clean till there was nothing left to clean.
'shit, what do I do now?' i asked myself. I bit my lip.. Thinking...should i? No I'll just end up hurt, but there's nothing better to do...fuck it. I sat down on the floor and connected to sunshines mind as i saw memories of her meeting new people and animatronics. Things i couldn't do because i couldn't go into the light. I saw them smiling and having fun. Something i could never do because what i am scares people. I felt a year fall from my eyes. Fuck no. I broke the connection and wiped the tear away. I'm not getting depressed over that today. I got up and sighed as moon was still asleep. I decided i was going to sleep to. So i crawled into a bed and layed down till i eventually fell asleep

Sunshine pov

I felt midnight connect to me but before i could say anything she broke the connection. I had felt the sadness she felt when she saw my happy memories. Her memories with the moondrop animatronic wasn't so great. I was truly sad that midnight couldn't do the things we could.i was so sad i didn't realize i wasn't smiling anymore.

No one pov

Sundrop looked back at the girl who shined like the sun only to see a frown on her face.
"Sunshine what's wrong your not smiling anymore. Did we do something wrong?" He asked her. She snapped out of her thoughts and put a small smile on her face.
"No im just worried about my friend midnight." Sunshine said.
"Oh another friend! Where is she we can have so much fun together!" Sundrop said. Dawn stepped forward and put a hand on sunshines shoulder and looked at Sundrop.
"It's not that simple sunny" dawn said.
"Yeah it is she just has to come join us." Cc said. Dusk shook his head.
" Midnight can't step into the light or it will hurt her and we can't just switch off the lights because both sunshine and Sundrop are scared of the dark" he explained. Just then Michael came Running.
"Ennard got into the vents" he told William afton.
"He'll come back. He always does" William said. But little did they know what ennard was about to do was going to accidentally hurt someone.

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