chapter 5

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(like y'all Wattpad messed up my chapters of this book and mixed them up. It really pissed me off )

Midnight pov

I looked up at moondrop
"Nah your not disturbing me...." I replied to him. Wait no I'm not opening up it's weak....i will never be weak again. I pushed his hand off my shoulder.
" Dont you have shit to do." I said turning my head away so he couldn't see the pain...the hurt.

Moondrop pov

I don't understand....she was soft one minute then completely changed to a cold hearted bitch?
(Rip midnight😓 moondrop savage😎). Why though? What made her like this.... I'll have to investigate. Maybe if i find out why she's like this then she'll open up....wait why do i care?! She's been nothing but rude to me since the moment we met and yet something inside me tells me.....i need to help her.....ahhhhhh i hate myself right now.

??? Pov

"I did what i had too" i said. "She's dead now anyways"
" Your wrong, (error name not found) is not dead." They said to me. My heart ached. She was alive but in what way or form? Was she still angry? I have to tell the others about this......... I'm sorry (error name not found).

Sunshine pov

I felt something....what was it? I felt someone....but how do I know that this connection is true and not one sided? Hmmmmm I'll have to ask dusk about this.... Maybe he'll know...

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