chapter 11

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Midnight pov

The pizzaplex was closed for the day and Most lights were off so I decided to explore. It was quite a big place. I didn't like the map bot, he annoyed me. I saw an area that  confused me. Bonnie bowling? But there was no Bonnie. Maybe something had happened to him? Oh well...I began to walk away when I fell to my now please!

*Flash back*

I was on the ledge. They had put me there. I know they did...they wanted everything I had worked so hard to get . I wanted to fight back but... my body hurt so much...they had hurt me and now they were going to finish me off ....I silently begged for someone to save me. But no one came and they pushed me. I fell to my was painful.....

*Flashback ended*

Moondrop pov

I had been walking around when I saw midnight in Bonnie bowling on her knees. I ran to her but she seemed like she was zoned out. I shook her and called to her but I didn't get a reply. It worried me more. I picked her up and rushed her to the day care. I switched off the lights accidentally forgetting sundrop and sunshine where scared. I was only focused on helping her...

sunshine pov

it was dark and we were scared. luckily dusk and dawn were there to help. who switched off the lights and why? I walked with a glow stick to switch on the generators. sundrop was helping me.

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