chapter 7

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Midnight pov

I woke up startled. Damn it...why couldn't i sleep peacefully for once? I gritted my teeth and face planned into my pillow again. I felt someone beside my bed and i quickly looked up and saw moondrop. Great....time to put on my best show.
"What do you-" he put down a cup of coffee on a stand and left. I was extremely confused. I looked at the coffee and then at the door he went through. I sighed and picked up the coffee and took a sip. Not bad.....just what i needed after that nightmare. I sighed...maybe Moondrop isn't that bad.....I'll have to see if he's trust worthy

Moondrop pov.

I peeked and saw her drinking the coffee i made. I almost laughed,it looked like she really needed it and was in heaven cause she had it. I smiled to myself and walked away feeling accomplished. I went into the daycare and began doing what i need to.

Sundrop pov

Moondrop came in very happy today. Usually he was grumpy cause him and midnight had just argued over something. What changed today?

Sunshine pov

I noticed moondrops happy mood. Hmmm something going on here and I'm going to find out. I walked slowly to the daycare Naptime room. I had to go in there regardless of my f-fear of the d-d-dark. I opened the door and stepped inside. I was about to turn back but i realized I hadn't held the door open so it closed and i didn't know how to open it from the inside.

3rd person pov

Sunshine was panicking. She was scared. Midnight come out the bathroom cause she had cleaned it when she noticed sunshine. Midnights eyes widened as she rushed to the draw close to her and pulled out glow sticks. She snapped some and quickly took them to sunshine.

Sunshine pov.

I was shaking cause of the darkness when there was a light. I looked up and saw midnight with glow sticks. She smiled gently at me which calmed me down. She always did this with me...and I'm happy that she does but it's sad that i can't do the same for her. She handed me the glow sticks and went over to the door and opened it a little bit and avoided the small light that was coming through the gap. I thanked her and handed back the glow sticks and left forgetting i wanted to question her.

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