chapter 3

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Ennard pov

I crawl through the vents looking for the girls egg's friends were talking about. I got to a vent and saw a girl sleeping on a bed and my bestie moondrop sleeping on another. I silently took off the cover of the vent and climbed out. Wow this girl was really pretty. I picked her up and carried her into the vent.

Midnight pov

I slowly woke up to realize i was being carried in a small space. I looked up and saw .....a spegetti robot thing? My eyes widened when i realized the situation i was in. I moved and the thing didn't expect it and i must have scared him because he threw me.

No one pov

Everyone didn't expect the figure to come out of the vent.
"I brought the girl egg's friends were talking about!" Ennard said happily. The figure stood up and sunshine immediately recognized it as midnight.
"Midnight!" She said. Midnight looked at sunshine as a cut began appearing on midnights face. Midnight seemed to have noticed and she looked angry. She ran under a table with a cloth to block out the light. They all stood there shocked. sunshine was being comforted by Sundrop well dawn and dusk tried to tell her it would be alright.

William afton pov

I watched the whole thing clearly interested. The ghost of the missing children were here to curious about the girl under the table. I could only see the kids because obviously they were haunting me because of what i had done. Charlotte / puppet walked over to the table and then went through the cloth. Wonder what she was doing .

Charlotte pov

I went through the cloth and saw the girl. She was really pretty to bad i couldn't talk to her. She was treating the wound on her face but she looked annoyed well doing it. I giggled at her frustration.
"Are you just gonna keep looking at me?" She said. I was shocked. She could see me?
"Judging by the shock on your face you didn't expect that so let me say this simply" she said " I'm not normal and i can see dead people where as the others can't"
"Oh interesting" i finally said something.
"Not really. It's normal for me." She replied. She was still struggling with the wound so i moved forward and began treating it for her. Everytime i touched her though she flinched. It was odd.
"All done " i told her when i finished
"Thanks" she mumbled. I nodded and left. I like her

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