Teaching the young

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At (super)goku's house, goku is working and goten was waiting for trunks, the door knock
Goten-I got it
Goten open the door, and it's trunks

Trunks-hey goten, ready

Goten-yea, hey mom I'm gonna play trunks

Chichi-ok, be back at dinner ok goten

Goten-ok mom
Goten close the door
Trunks-come on goten

They flew, they flew into a mountain, where a little blue house is at, with a garden with carrots, salad's, and some wheat, they landed and knock the door, the door open it was
(GT)Goku-oh hey guys

Goten-hey um dad, can you train us now, please

Trunks-yeah we want to learn the dragon fist

(GT)Goku-sure I can train you guys, let's spare for a bit to see, what's you are at


Trunks-sounds simple
Goku think what place to spare, goku finds a place
(GT)Goku-ok found a spot
Goku transforms into ssj4,
(GT)Goku-ok, grab on
The kids hold grab goku's tail, goku teleport to the spot, goku transforms back to his normal form
Goten-hey little dad, can you teach us how to transform like that

Trunks-yeah, that form look way cooler than the super saiyan god form

(GT)Goku-maybe, but you guys need your tail's back though


(GT)Goku-yep, ready to fight me

Goten/trunks-yeah were ready
They went ssj and charge at goku, goku dodged their attack's, goku grab their fist and pull them, the boys hit their heads against each other
They jump back
Goten-ka me ha me Ha
Trunks fire his powerful attack, goku just stand there and smack the attack's away

Goten/trunks-yeah were readyThey went ssj and charge at goku, goku dodged their attack's, goku grab their fist and pull them, the boys hit their heads against each other Goten/trunks-OWThey jump backGoten-ka me ha me HaTrunks fire his powerful att...

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Trunks-that was our powerful attack

(GT)Goku-you boys, aren't thinking your attack's, when you fight, you have to use your head, think of a attack or plan, you boys just think attacking is a good plan, trunks, your father may have his cocky moments but when he serious he think of a plan and his enemies attack's, goten, I want you to think of something on your own, you follow people to much, you don't trust yourself but during a fight sometimes you won't have Allie's backing you up, sometimes it's better following your own path, and I'm not saying, that following people is bad, just think for yourself and follow your lead
Goten and trunks felt disappointed at themselves, goku walk up and place a hand on the boys
(GT)Goku-I'm not saying you guys are bad fighters, I know you guys will have your moment soon, I'm just here to improve you guys, an sooner then later you guys will be the strongest fighters, tell me something, what do you guys want

Trunks-I want to show me dad, that I'm strong and I don't want him to think that I'm weak

Goten-I don't want to get left behide, I want to be strong as gohan, as you, and as trunks, I just don't want to be alone

(GT)Goku-I can promise you guys this, trunks, your father doesn't think your weak, his proud of you and happy that you are his son and goten, I can promise you this, your not alone, you got great friends and family that are looking out for you and I'm happy that your my son
The boys cried and hug goku
(GT)Goku-their, their let it all go
When the boys stop crying goku told them this
(GT)Goku-take some days off and here
Goku give them a strict
(GT)Goku-you boys can train when you guys are ready, tell me and I'll train you

Trunks/goten-thank you so much

(GT)Goku-no problem and see you guys later
They wave goodbye and goku stand there, then suddenly
Vegeta-what the hell did you tell them kakarot

(GT)Goku-nothing, just telling them to be strong and also vegeta, please don't make trunks feel useless he have a lot of potential inside of him
Goku fly away and vegeta stand's there and thinking what goku said. Back to goku was flying around
(GT)Goku-man, this brag me back some memories, I wonder, FLYING nimbus
The flying nimbus fly at goku and goku hop on
(GT)Goku-now this brag back memories, I fought a lot of enemy's when I was a kid, I remember when I fought the red ribbon army, I wonder
Goku flew to the old red ribbon army base, goku hop off the flying nimbus and walking, remember he fought the the whole army be himself, in till he fell over something, goku got up and check it was a hatch and goku open it up
(GT)Goku-that's odd
Goku walk in looking around in till, someone walk in the door, goku turn and he saw a women
(GT)Goku-who are you

 Back to goku was flying around (GT)Goku-man, this brag me back some memories, I wonder, FLYING nimbus The flying nimbus fly at goku and goku hop on(GT)Goku-now this brag back memories, I fought a lot of enemy's when I was a kid, I remember when I...

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Female Researcher-I'm a research, I'm a somewhat of a science

(GT)Goku-are you part of the army

Female Researcher-no I quit, but I was just checking some old tech that my husband use to have

(GT)Goku-do you have a name, my name is Son Goku

Female Researcher-just 21

(GT)Goku-so you are a android


(GT)Goku-oh are you ok

21-yes, you should go home, is getting dark

(GT)Goku-ok, do you have a home

21-no, just this place

(GT)Goku-you can go with me, I don't mind

21-are you sure, I don't want to be a bother

(GT)Goku-yeah I'm sure, come on
They went to the top
A cloud come goku hop on and 21 did also, goku was surprised, the cloud only take people that have a pure heart
21-this is strange
Their at goku's house
(GT)Goku-we are here

21-nice place

(GT)Goku-thank you
They went inside and 21 led in the but then goku led with her, 21 was surprise but she doesn't mind then she pull goku close to her, she's hugging him
(GT)Goku-umm 21

21-I'm sorry

(GT)Goku-it's fine, it's soft here
Goku rub his head in 21 chest like a child would or what a baby do, 21 blush they went sleep, at that night (Super)goku went to (gt)goku house but he saw him sleeping with a girl he doesn't want to bother them so he left and try to sleep in the forest.

GT goku in dragon ball superWhere stories live. Discover now