Freiza revenge part: 2

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The z-fighters and the two android's are winning the battle but a weird Red Bull or devil looking soldier was their
Shisami-ok I'm going to kill all of you

Android 15-doubt it

Android 14-You are are weak

Shisami-oh yeah then prove it
He charge at 14 but 14 just kill him with one fist
Sorbet-what how

???-wow really, if you boys can't handle the Indians why call out the chief

A red beam appears but the android block the attack ???-really boy, if that's your all then you should surrender

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A red beam appears but the android block the attack
???-really boy, if that's your all then you should surrender

A skinny pale man came in
Tagoma-well that's not all but you'll be dead soon

???-and what would your skinny pale ass do boy

Tagoma-my power is greater then yours old man

???-then prove it
He charge at the android, back to the fighters
Gohan-hey 15, who's that android

Android 15-he's android 13 our boss

Gohan-wait he's your boss

Android 15-yes but not our creator


??????-hello gohan
Gohan froze remembering the voice, it was like if he was a kid again

16-yes, it's pleasant to you grown up

Gohan-yeah, it's great to see you again
Gohan wipe his tear
Gohan-I'm sorry 16, I'm sorry for letting you die
16 place a hand to gohan
16-it's not your fault, I choice the way I did and you beat cell

Krillin-16, it's great to see you again

16-you as well krillin, how's 18 and 17

Krillin-18 is great, me and 18 even have a kid together

16-really that's great, what's the child name

Krillin-her name is marron

16-that's good, what about 17

Krillin-sorry, we haven't seen 17 awhile ago

Back to the fight, 13 beat the pale boy
13-goodbye boy
Firing a ki blast, killing him
13-who's next

Freiza-that would be me

13-well I tip my hat to you
He tip hat

Freiza-yes, I'm am, I have enough of this buddy buddy talk if I want to hear that I would stay in hell
He charge at 13, but freiza is in his first from but 13 is still stronger, he punch freiza in the gut
13-might as well give up

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