Happy Valentine's Day

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BTW you can choose if this is cannon or not. Now start

21 was in capsule corps, working and bulma saw how 21 and gt goku are getting so, she made a plan
Bulma-hey 21

21-oh hey bulma

Bulma-hey I got some vacation tickets, and I thought me and vegeta can go to a cruise but trunks have a parent meeting so me and vegeta have to be there, so I thought you and someone else can go
She hand over the tickets and  21 got them
21-oh thanks, umm I can ask for goku to go with me, thank you bulma but are you sure

Bulma-I'm sure, have them
Bulma turn having a evil grin and rubbing her hands
Bulma-yes it's working

21-um bulma what are you doing
Bulma turn to 21
Bulma-oh nothing bye
Bulma rush to her room and call her females
Bulma-hello 18

18-yes bulma

Bulma-I was wondering can you help me with something

18-ok with what

Bulma-well can you help me make 21 and kid goku date perfect

18-isn't kinda weird putting a kid and a adult a date

Bulma-depends what do you mean

18-I mean kid goku is well a kid and/or adult and 21 is the same thing

Bulma-that makes them a match then
18 sighs
18-ok, good point but who would watch marron for me

Bulma-well can krillin watch her

18-no he's busy

Bulma-my mom can watch her

18-I don't know

Bulma-please I pay you to join
18 sigh
18-find marron can stay with your mom but if something happens to her, your mom is dead

Bulma-ok got it,see you tomorrow
She call someone else

Chichi-yeah hello

Bulma-hey chichi I wonder can you join me with something

Chichi-like what

Bulma-helping me making someone else date go well

Chichi-ok I'm in but goten needs a babysitter, but for who are we going to fix the date

Bulma-oh um 21 and kid goku

Chichi-oh ok

Bulma-wow I thought you would be mad at me or goku

Chichi-well I'm not happy with it but since his chichi isn't here I guess it's fine and he's not my goku so yeah

Bulma-oh ok, if you need a babysitter, my mom can watch her and trunks well be there to play with goten

Chichi-ok then when is it


Chichi-ok see you tomorrow
She call someone else again
Bulma-hello Videl

Videl-oh hey bulma, need something

Bulma-yeah I was wondering, can you join me something

Videl-ok with what

Bulma-with a sit up date with kid goku and 21, so are you in

Videl-ok I'm in, my dad can watch pan for me, Gohan is busy and my dad is free for the weekend, when is it


Videl-ok, see you tomorrow
Bulma hang up
Bulma-ok, I have a team, now I think trunks was with goku
At GT goku's house, gt and super goku were their and trunks and goten were their too, training, trunks got a phone call, he answered it and he called goten
Trunks-ok, got it mom
He hangs up
Trunks-ok, ready goten


Trunks-goten she's here

They saw 21 riding the flying nimbus
Trunks-come on goten

Back to the goku's
(GT)Goku-oh hey 21

21-hey goku
Goku notice she's holding something
(GT)Goku-hey are those things you are holding
21 look at the tickets and look back to goku and said
21-oh these are tickets for a cruise and I can have a friend with me and I thought, you can go with me

(GT)Goku-sure I can go, sounds fun

Goku-really can you—

Goten grab his dad and bring him to him and trunks, they were talking
(GT)Goku-I wonder what are they talking about

21-mmm bulma also act kinda strange

(GT)Goku-really, weird

The group came back
Goku-ok well, I'll be leaving now, in joy your da-
Goten and trunks covered his mouth
Goten-in joy your day tomorrow

Trunks-ok bye
They left
(GT)Goku-well today is a odd day

21-yep, let's get ready for tomorrow

They went inside, back to bulma, she finish talking to trunks
Bulma-yes it's working, now to be ready for tomorrow
Vegeta walk pass her, vegeta raise a brow

Hey the writer is here I know is kinda late but do you want me to continue this story

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(GT)Goku-hey guys, goku here I wonder why my friends are kinda weird today, uhh, bedtime sparing what's that

The next chapter will be "freiza revenge"

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