Pink and black part 6

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Everyone was out of energy, and no one can fuse again it haven't been 30 minutes and 21 burn the senzu beans everyone was fighting her but the only one who can barley hold her is hit, Gohan check on gt goku
Gohan-hey dad, are you still alive

(GT)Goku-yeah but I can't help because my energy and my pain

Gohan-damn it, if we have one more senzu bean
Goku saw one more bean, it was a clean one
(GT)Goku-gohan look a senzu bean
Goku pointed at the bean
Gohan-what, yes
He got the bean and give it to gt goku
Gohan-here, I think you are the only one who can fight like this
Gt goku ate the bean
(GT)Goku-thanks gohan, just rest for now
He teleport away, vegeta and goku were the only ones standing, the kids and gt goku students left, hit was down not dead just down
(Evil)21-well well well, who would have thought the mighty goku and vegeta would have be the last one standing

Goku-hey vegeta, it was a honor fighting with you

Vegeta-ha you made it sound like we give up

Goku-well we don't, we fight until we gone, I rather die trying then giving up

Vegeta-haha yea, the mighty prince won't die with ease
They went into ssj
(Evil)21-are those your last words prince

Vegeta-hmm you'll die for what you did

(Evil)21-I don't think so, now bye bye
She fired a ki blast at them, it exploded

-what's so funny

It's gt goku in ssj4
(Evil)21-what how I thought I-

(GT)Goku-kill me, as long we stand there's still hope

(Evil)21-hahahaha stop thinking about heroic's and think about reality

(GT)Goku-but I'm thinking about reality
They charge at each other, 21 grab his face
(Evil)21-let's have fun
She throw him far, 21 came up and punch him in the face, goku landed
He's in west city, everyone was freak out, some taking a picture of him
21 kick goku
(Evil)21-oh and where's the fun of that

(GT)Goku-grr ahhh
He powered up to ssj4 god, and attack 21, every fist they clash, the shock wave push people, breaking windows, breaking some buildings, gt goku saw what they are doing

(Evil)21-Focus in the fight
Punching him in the face making more damage
(GT)Goku-dammit I wish we fought some where else

-your wish has been made


21 made a ki blade charging at him but they went somewhere, it was a sandy place
(Evil)21-what happen

(GT)Goku-wait shenron

Shenron-hello goku

(GT)Goku-good to hear from you again shenron

Shenron-indeed, but hurry you have two wishes left

(Evil)21-who are you talking too, and why are we here

(GT)Goku-hehe nothing important

(Evil)21-grr, die
Goku teleport around, so he can make his wishes, goku punch 21 in her face, they fight 21 still have power but gt goku use skill
(Evil)21-die trash
21 got kick from behind
(Evil)21-who dares

-I dare

(GT)Goku-what no way ve-

(GT)Goku-what no way ve-

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