Training and working

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The two goku's arrived to Beerus
Whis-little goku can you stay right here

While little goku stay's there, super goku talk with vegeta and whis came back to gt goku
Whis-ok now this goku, your training is going to be different

(GT)Goku-what can of training I'll be doing

Whis-your training will be with lord Beerus


Beerus-yes really

Whis-I'm surprised your not sleeping

Beerus-I heard him coming, are you ready

(GT)Goku-yeah, ahhh
He went to ssj4
(GT)Goku-let's go
They attack each other while that happens,
Goku and vegeta saw them fighting
Goku-wow he's already training with Beerus, lucky

Vegeta-(I been here for awhile and the kid kakarot is training with Beerus and me and this clown are doing tors)
Back to the fight while that happens, goku and vegeta doing "training", at night gt goku and Beerus sat down and they just talk
(GT)Goku-man this is fun


(GT)Goku-hey Beerus can you tell me something

Beerus-sure what

(GT)Goku-what was that thing you did back on earth, your aura was like a blue and purple and your eyes it was sliver

Beerus-it's called ultra instinct but half of it, I haven't got the full power yet, you too can do it


Beerus-yes but whis teach me that

(GT)Goku-ok I train with you and whis

Beerus-tell me, why do you want to get stronger

(GT)Goku-back then it was because it was fun and I want to be stronger but when I became a grandpa, I want someone else to take my place, but now I want to be stronger to protect my world, my family and friends

Beerus-hmm *yawn* well I'm tired get some rest

(GT)Goku-ok good night
Goku was gonna eat and then go to sleep, back to Beerus
Whis-may I ask why him sir

Beerus-what do you mean

Whis-I mean, why are you nice to him and train him as well, you think he can be a god of destruction do you

Beerus-we'll talk about this tomorrow
Beerus walk off and whis smirk. Today they gonna spar with whis, they were ready they change but vegeta try's to take most of the fight
They stop and whis told them about there greatest weakness, vegeta thinks to much and super goku is to care free
Whis-alright, kid fights me now since you two took the most fighting, ready

Gt goku charge and whis dodged but whis can tell he's more forces, have a calm mind but his not thinking to much but still serious, whis smirk but almost got punch but he got the fist
Whis-my, my, now this what you two should be doing, he's serious but calm and not thinking to much, he's care free but still force's
Whis told them about how he can fight.In earth, 21 is now working at capsule crops, she's at lab looking at blueprints and she left the lab and check the main parts a guy walk in also, 21 was getting parts for what she needed
Some guy-hey Tsuma


Some guy-I was wondering can we go on a date

21-I'm sorry but I'm married

Some guy-oh come on how about just a friend dinner

21-No I'm sorry sir

Some guy-ok, come on boys
Two guys walk out with guns
Some guy-how about we have some fun

Some guy 2-I'll call back seat

Some guy 3-where's your husband now girly

21-give up or else

Some guy-I'm sorry but no

21-I did warn you
21 walk out the parts room while eating some snacks
21-I did warn them, now the parts should be enough for them, I hope goku is alright
21 is about to leave but told the office something first
21-I'll be going now, bye

Office girl -bye ms son

21-I hope goku is ok with me borrowing his last name

Flashback. The first job interview
Office girl-I must say your work is incredibly, your high earn

21-thank you so much

Office girl-your welcome your name is Tsuma right


Office girl-what's your last

21-last name

Office girl-yep

21-oh uhh (dang it, last name last name last name) Son

Office girl-son like goku son are you his husband

21-what nonono I'm dating his brother um uhh gotu, son gotu or gt for short, his my husband (WHAT I'm I saying right now, oh what the fu-)

Office girl-welcome to the family

Flashback ended
She blushed because she can't believe she said that but she smirk and the screen split to goku
(GT)Goku-whatever happens I will protect my family

21-whatever happens I will fix my mistakes in the past and protect my new friends
They smirk
(GT)Goku\21-whatever happens I will protect my world

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