Being a grandpa again

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It been some days that pan was born, gt goku was going to visit gohan's house to see pan, with 21 on the flying nimbus
21-so goku we're going to see your granddaughter

(GT)Goku-yeah, we are

21-so from the story's you told me last time, that you're in a different timeline, right


2 days ago
Goku told 21 everything about his future
21-WHAT, sorry, I just can't believe

(GT)Goku-so you believe me

21-yeah after all, why would you lie

(GT)Goku-well thank you for believe me

21-no problem but, why did you trust me, we just met

(GT)Goku-because your nice and I can tell your nice to begin with
21 was happy that he trust her not even her husband tell her stuff or the truth

Back to the present

(GT)Goku-so do you want to tell them that your a android

21-hmm not yet, it doesn't seem the right time yet

(GT)Goku-oh ok, have you thought of a name or something

21-no hmm, I got it, my name is Tsuma

Goku started laughing and 21 thought he's making fun of her name
(GT)Goku-that's so cute I like


(GT)Goku-I like it, its suit's you

21-you don't think it's dumb or silly

(GT)Goku-of course not, I find it kinda cute


(GT)Goku-yea, were almost there
They landed at gohan's house, 21 knock because she's taller than goku, videl open the door look at 21 and goku
Videl-oh hey goku

(GT)Goku-hey videl, is pan here

Videl-yeah she is

(GT)Goku-can we see her

Videl-sure, Gohan your kid dad is here
They walk inside and gohan came to the room with pan
Gohan-oh hey dad who's your friend

21-I'm Tsuma

Gohan-nice to meet to you, I'm Gohan and this is my wife videl, and my daughter pan

(GT)Goku-gohan, can I hold pan please

Gohan-of course dad, here
Gohan give goku pan, goku hold pan and he have a lot of memories of her, he was holding back his tears, everyone saw goku was gonna cry
(GT)Goku-hi pan, I'm your grandpa goku, and I promise to take care of you
Goku was holding his tears so much, pan touch goku nose, goku chuckle while some tears fall, gohan knell down to check on his dad
Gohan-dad are you alright

(GT)Goku-yeah I'm fine
Goku wipes his tears away, with his tail
(GT)Goku-it's just good to see pan again and being a grandpa again, that's all, sorry

Gohan-that's fine, I kinda get it

Videl-yeah after all, it's good to know our girl is a proud young girl

(GT)Goku-thank you, everyone

Gohan-want to stay for the night dad

(GT)Goku-are you sure gohan

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