The universe 6 saiyan's

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It have been 3 days since the tournament, GT goku and 21 went to Beerus planet and train, goku left but came back with a bag
(GT)Goku-hey Beerus can I go somewhere

Beerus-sure, but why ask me

(GT)Goku-well I want to visit the universe 6 saiyan's but I thought it would be rube to ask so I brought you something
Goku got him donuts, ice cream, and a big fist, Beerus took it
Beerus-very well, but may I ask why are you going over there

(GT)Goku-because I want to learn about my race, and I know their not same but still

Beerus-ok, I'll call whis

(GT)Goku-ok, 21 are you sure

21-yeah, we'll be there for a week right


21-yeah, I got me stuff ready

Whis came with the box
Whis-ok you two, I called my sister and she said it's ok

(GT)Goku-really thanks

Whis-sure thing
21 and goku went to universe 6, and vados was there with cabba
Whis-hello sister, thank you for letting us in again

Vados-no problem, whis and since you brought saiyan to learn about this universe saiyan's, I thought why not cabba

Whis-well thank you and bye now, remember you guys can only be here for a week ok

(GT)Goku-got it, whis, bye see you later

Whis left
Vados-well I'll be leaving also, in joy the tour and cabba here will show you around

(GT)Goku-ok, bye
Vados left
Cabba-why hello if you remember me, names cabba

(GT)Goku-nice to see you again cabba

Cabba-nice to see you again, sorry if this sounds rude but I don't remember your name

(GT)Goku-names son goku or goku for short

Cabba-well pleasant to meet you goku and ms 21, welcome to planet sadala, what place do you guys want to see

(GT)Goku-the history of the saiyan

21-I do as well

Cabba-ok, follow me
Cabba show's the saiyan history and they were finish, they got some eat
Cabba-did you guys, like the tour

(GT)Goku-yeah, it's amazing of this saiyan culture

21-yea, but what place are we going to stay

Cabba-thank you, come on I'll show
Cabba got a space car and left, with goku and 21 before they get imbues
Goon-give us, your stuff

Cabba-we got nothing so left

Goon-ok how about that women
He pointed at 21
(GT)Goku-No, now left it's pointless even fighting us

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