Freiza revenge part: 1

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The Z-fighters were on the battle ground. Bulma warn them because of her cop friend, jaco, jaco told her about frieza arrival, everyone was ready until kid goku, goku, and vegeta got their. 21 was in a lab getting something, 21 heard it because she was outside, getting ready to leave, until she heard bulma and the space cop talking
21-if bulma and her space cop friend says the truth and from what I heard about frieza they need any help they can get
She push a button and the pods open up, an a cowboy voice is heard
????-why hello there doctor

21-hello, have you guys got the order

????-why yes ms, we have but first, where's my trucker hat

The fight goes like normal, krillin was in the woods, fighting a army until, we see a small man with sunglasses ????-yo The army turn

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The fight goes like normal, krillin was in the woods, fighting a army until, we see a small man with sunglasses
The army turn

The fight goes like normal, krillin was in the woods, fighting a army until, we see a small man with sunglasses ????-yo The army turn

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soldier-what do you want

?????-can you leave the short man alone and leave this planet

Soldier-what no, and where's the fun of it, and what would a short, purple, dwarf do
The men laugh at him, the man took a deep breath and grab a tin an drink it, men look at him
Soldiers-oh what gonna drink and cry
They laugh even more, the man finish drinking and see the power level
?????-my data says yours a b*tch

Soldier-I don't believe it
The man attack the men, he was more powerful and faster then the men, and gohan came and help, but he told krillin to help the others
Gohan-hey thanks for the help

?????-no problem

Gohan-what's your name

Android 15-Android 15 at your service

Gohan-wait a android

Android 15-yeah don't worry we don't want to kill your dad, we here to help

Gohan-ok that's good, come on let's help the other's

Android 15-ok
Back to master roshi, he was holding them off but getting to tired, 5 soldiers went to the top and combing their attack
Soldier-let's kill this old man
They fire and master roshi doesn't know if he can block or dodged the attack but a man appears

Android 15-okBack to master roshi, he was holding them off but getting to tired, 5 soldiers went to the top and combing their attack Soldier-let's kill this old manThey fire and master roshi doesn't know if he can block or dodged the attack but a ...

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He fire a blast attack that went through the soldiers attack
Before he realizes it they die
Master roshi-hey thanks, have you thought being a turtle hermit student

????-your welcome but enemies found, kill all enemies
He was attack the army killing the soldiers but the soldiers knew if they retreat they'll be killed by freiza, krillin came with Gohan and android 15
Android 15-wow android 14 look like he having fun

Master roshi-he's a android

Gohan-don't worry their with us

Master roshi-ok that's good

Gohan-oh wait android 15

Android 15-yo

Gohan-are there more android coming

Android 15-yeah 3 more
Back to frieza, he was surprised but his "commander"
Sorbet-how is this happening

They turn and saw their ship blown up
Freiza-you better send some men to kill the person who destroyed my ship or you'll die

Sorbet-R...Right, men kill the person who destroyed lord frieza ship
Some men went to check the destruction of lord frieza ship, sorbet got a call from the soldiers
Sorbet-they must have kill that person by now
He click the call

Soldier-sir we need back up

Sorbet-what happen

Soldier-he is taking us out

Sorbet-how can one person fight a squad

???-Rocket punch

The call ended
Sorbet-men go support them

Soldier-sir that guy is taking a squad down

Freiza-you can die by him or me

Soldier-yes sir

Freiza was mad and he can't wait killing those monkeys

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