Different universe's

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It been a week since freiza attack, GT goku been hanging with family like pan but he's not slicking, he been training also and 21 even joins because she knows he needs a training buddy but goten and trunks even join and soon Gohan and piccolo join in. But soon or later goku got a call from whis, goku was in his break
(GT)Goku-oh hey whis, need something

Whis-well kinda, I was wondering if you want to join the tournament

(GT)Goku-sure, I'm game

Whis-but I must warn you goku, if we lose, we have to go into a different universe

(GT)Goku-what, how

Whis-I'll tell you later

(GT)Goku-wait, can you teleport me to you

Whis-hmm, hold on
Goku waited but whis pick him up, goku came in, goku saw a fat Beerus and a girl who look like whis
(GT)Goku-uh hello

Champa-haha really brother, you call a kid to join the tournament, this win is mine for sure

Beerus-so goku are you sure

(GT)Goku-yes, I well, but can you tell me what is happening I'm kinda confused

Beerus-very well, whis if you will

Whis-very well my lord
Whis told goku everything about the universe's
Whis-you got that

(GT)Goku-I think so, there's 12 universe and two are copies, am I right

Whis-yes you are goku, I must say better then your adult self

(GT)Goku-what's the rules

Goku-same as the tournament, no weapons, no killing, your out if you surrender or if your out of the ring, but we need five members

Vegeta-and you need take a test, to test your IQ

(GT)Goku-got it, what day and time
Champa told them the time, day, and place
Champa-ok, then bye
Champa was about to left but he grab a weird looking egg
Champa-hey kid, catch
Goku catch but he confused
Champa-ok, bye now
When they left champa laugh
Vados-what's so funny

Champa-I just can't believe my brother pick a kid, and did you see that kid face he was clueless
Beerus smirk
Beerus-can't wait to rub it in his face
The goku's and vegeta went outside, goku and vegeta took off their weights, GT goku look at vegeta and goku saying who's gotta be number 1, while that is happening GT goku was thinking of a team, it should them three and 21, piccolo/gohan. They left to earth, and super goku and vegeta are talking with bulma and GT goku is getting some teammates, he went to gohan's house seeing 21 playing with pan
(GT)Goku-hey 21

21-hey goku, need something

(GT)Goku-well kinda, I was wondering if you want to go to a tournament with me but theirs a catch

21-what is the catch

He told her what happen and the different universe's, also the rules

21-kinda, surprise theirs different universe and if we lose the earth is swap

(GT)Goku-don't worry, this is your choice

21-I'll join

(GT)Goku-are you sure

21-yeah, I got friends and a new family to protect so I'll join

(GT)Goku-ok, now Gohan and piccolo

21-wait, what time
Goku told her
21-oh I'm sorry goku but gohan will be busy at that time

(GT)Goku-really, then piccolo it is then
He flew and found Gohan and piccolo, told them but gohan wish he can go but work but piccolo agreed. GT goku, 21 and piccolo came at Beerus
(GT)Goku-Beerus we got a team

Beerus-really, thanks, ok train then ok, you are welcome to come at my planet

(GT)Goku-got it, thank you
GT goku, 21, and piccolo were training, so they can be ready for the tournament

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